Hextor - Great Library of Greyhawk
Hextor is the half-brother and sworn enemy of Heironeous, and the son of Stern Alia. Another brother, Stratis, is mentioned in literature for the Chainmail miniatures game in Dragon #285, but he is deceased. Hextor has a long-standing rivalry with Erythnul, from whom he took the portfolio of …
Hextor, a D&D 5e deity | Gods and Deities | The Thieves Guild
Hextor is the god of tyranny and brutal warfare. He is the patron of despots and rule through strength of arms. In a lesser role, Hextor is also the patron of fitness and exercise. He is the brother and sworn enemy of Heironeous, god of valor. Hextor seeks to …
Hextor – Deities – D&D Tools - Ark Alseif
Hextor is the six-armed god of war, conflict, and destruction. Hextor's worshipers include evil fighters and monks. He sends his followers to commit evil, and their special purpose is to overthrow the followers of his half-brother Heironeous wherever they are found.
Hextor - Greyhawk Fanon Wiki
Hextor is an Oeridian deity, Hextor is the arch-foe of Heironeous, his brother and fellow god of war. His priests are highly militaristic and organised and are oppressive to those who serve under them and merciless to their foes.
Hextor (3.5e Deity) - D&D Wiki
Hextor is often depicted as a hideous, gray skinned, six-armed humanoid bearing two large tusks jutting from its lower jaw wearing armor clad with skulls. He wields a weapon in each hand: a spiked flail, a battle axe, a battle pick, a longsword, a mace, and a falchion.
Hextor in Greyhawk - World Anvil
Jul 12, 2023 · Hextor is the six-armed Oeridian god of war and discord, and the patron of evil warriors. He is commonly worshiped in the lands of the Great Kingdom. Hextor differs from his bloodthirsty ally, Erythnul, in his organized approach to warfare and bloodshed.
Hextor - Search - D&D Beyond
Compendium - Sources->Dungeons & Dragons->Dungeon Master’s Guide (2014) of honorable warfare, chivalry, and justice in society. Even in the midst of his everlasting war with his brother Hextor , god of war and tyranny, Heironeous promotes his own portfolio: war fought
Hextor - WikiProject Dungeons & Dragons Wiki
In the World of Greyhawk campaign setting and the default pantheon of deities for the third edition of the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game, Hextor is the Oeridian god of war, discord, massacres, conflict, fitness, and tyranny.
Hextor - Dungeons & Dragons Lore Wiki | Fandom
Hextor is a deity in the Greyhawk pantheon.
Hextor (5e) - Dungeons and Dragons Wiki - dnd-wiki.org
Apr 22, 2023 · Hextor. Type: Deity Portfolio: War and discord Alignment: Lawful Evil Domains: War Symbol: Six arrows facing downward in a fan Pantheon: Greyhawk