Avoral - Forgotten Realms Wiki
Avorals looked mostly humanoid, but possessed wings instead of arms, feathered bird-like legs, and feathers on their heads in place of hair. The wings did have a small hand at the midpoint, so that it could function as an arm when folded. Their keen eyes were bright golden.
Avoral Guardinal - 5etools
Avorals are eagle-like bipeds with winged arms and keen, golden eyes. Prone to wander, these avian Celestials leave Elysium more frequently than their counterparts, meandering across the Outlands to wherever the winds might take them.
Avoral - d20srd.org
An avoral’s visual acuity is virtually unmatched: It can see detail on objects up to 10 miles away and is said to be able to discern the color of a creature’s eyes at 200 paces. Avorals speak Celestial, Infernal, and Draconic, but can speak with almost any …
Avoral - 5th Edition SRD
The avoral flaps its wings, creating a 30-foot cone of violent wind. Each creature in the area must make a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, a creature takes 36 (8d8) bludgeoning damage and is forced prone .
Avoral | Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki
Avorals are guardinals with the wings of mighty eagles. They're the scouts and skirmishers of their race, keeping watch over the peaceful skies of Amoria. No other guardinals can fly, so aerial vigilance falls to the avorals who confront any invaders who try that avenue.
Avoral (CR 9) - Realms Helps
Avorals have the bodies of tall, muscular humans, but their arms are long, powerful wings. An avoral's wings feature small hands at the midpoints. When its wings are folded, these appendages are about where human hands would be and can do nearly anything hands can.
Avoral - 5th Edition SRD
An avoral’s head has a feathery cowl instead of hair, typically brown, white, gray, or golden, and its facial features are bird-like, with a large nose and piercing eyes. Its bones are hollow but strong, making it ideal for flying.
SRD:Avoral - D&D Wiki
Dec 31, 2009 · An avoral’s visual acuity is virtually unmatched: It can see detail on objects up to 10 miles away and is said to be able to discern the color of a creature’s eyes at 200 paces. Avorals speak Celestial, Infernal, and Draconic, but can speak with almost any creature, thanks to their tongues ability. COMBAT
Guardinal (5e Race) - D&D Wiki
Feb 23, 2025 · Avorals have feathers and plumage like avians. Ursinals are bearish, being grizzly and big. Leonals have majestic manes like lions. The guardinals believe they have existed for as long as the neutral plane of the House of Nature has stood.
Dungeons and Dragons Avoral - D&D 3.5 PBP RPG
Feb 9, 2025 · An avoral's visual acuity is virtually unmatched: It can see detail on objects up to 10 miles away and is said to be able to discern the color of a creature's eyes at 200 paces. Avorals speak Celestial, Infernal, and Draconic, but can speak with almost any …