Is Dark Winter good? : r/thedivision - Reddit
Both my Dark Winter and Banshee have perfect SMG damage, Crit Chance, and Damage to Armor. On challenging in the firing range, shooting elite targets for several magazines to average out RNG variance, I'm getting about 14% higher DPS with Dark Winter when compared to the Strained Banshee.
Dark Winter : r/Division2 - Reddit
Apr 1, 2024 · Dark Winter is DZ Exclusive so you can play countdown and then buy Named Cache from Countdown Vendor. ...
Deep Winter? : r/coloranalysis - Reddit
I think you are actually a cool winter. Your contrast is lower than a deep winter and colors more muted than a bright, hence the black is not really your color but the navy is wow. The teal and the magenta are also in the cool winter palette are the other top colors on you. The number one test for cool vs dark winter is navy vs black.
is it common for dark winters to look good in reddish brown
Sep 26, 2023 · Yup! Dark/deep winters and dark autumns are like sister seasons. For one, the primary/most important characteristic for these seasons is Dark/Deep. For another, Deep Winter is a Winter season that can lean a bit warm (still Cool, but can take some warmth as opposed to True/Cool Winter for instance). So they do share some colors
How to achieve Ingenue essence in a Dark Winter Palette?
Aug 28, 2022 · I’m a Dark Winter with a light Asian skin tone and I’m having a difficult time incorporating Ingenue style into outfits and my makeup. I'm afraid that I might look too "dramatic". In terms of my features, I have dark black-brown hair, large black-brown eyes, thick but rounded dark eyebrows, a round face, a round nose, slightly bowed lips ...
Any good builds for Dark Winter? : r/thedivision - Reddit
Aug 28, 2022 · Problem with Dark Winter is proc chance that's why dps can go both ways. I believe its been tested and talents like fast hands actually nets you better dps because you can get back in the fight faster. All that being said, Hunters Fury with Ceska or Sokolov chest with obliterate and Memento will work wonders.
Can dark winters look better in gold? : r/coloranalysis - Reddit
Sep 12, 2023 · Sure! The metals test is not terribly reliable. As with make-up, your overtone comes into play with metals. Many dark winters are quite neutral, closer to the border of dark autumn than true winter. Esp if you have a warm overtone or a darker skintone, I can see gold looking better. Also you may just prefer gold, which is fine too.
dark winter can't find : r/thedivision - Reddit
Jan 20, 2023 · You can get the Dark Winter while avoiding DZ. You can get it from Named Item Caches. Play Countdown to gather points. Spend points at Countdown vendor for Named Item Caches. Pray you get the Dark Winter. Pew pew pew.
CMMG Banshee vs Dark Winter Vector : r/thedivision - Reddit
Apr 30, 2021 · The burst dps on the dark winter will be higher, but which one you use will depend on what your doing. On higher difficulties the vector and on kill talents like killer become less effective and a banshee with strained will be more effective. If you can't kill elites reliably in a single clip then you shouldn't use the vector.
Farming for dark winter : r/Division2 - Reddit
Mar 24, 2023 · If I remember, DZ drops was how I got 1 Dark Winter and 1 Virginian even though I do not need either. Named cache is honestly an easier way to get it. Farm Countdown and get the resources to get the named item cache. On the plus side, you also get a bunch of SHD calibration to fully optimise your new Dark Winter when you finally get it.