Darkhan (city) - Wikipedia
Darkhan (/ ˈdɑːrkɑːn /; Mongolian: Дархан [tárχəɴ]) is the capital of Darkhan-Uul Province in northern Mongolia, and the third-largest city in the country. On October 17, 1961, the city of Darkhan was built with extensive economic assistance from the Comecon. [1] .
Дархан-Уул аймаг — Википедиа нэвтэрхий толь
Дархан-Уул аймаг нь Сэлэнгэ аймгийн сумдтай хил залгаа оршдог. Дархан хотын анхны суурийн чулууг "Бурхантын хөндий"-д 1961 оны 10 сарын 17 -нд тавьсан нь Монгол улсын орчин цагийн 2 дахь томоохон хот болох эхлэл тавигдсан юм.
Central Asian City, Industrial Hub & Trade Center - Britannica
Darkhan, town, northern Mongolia, northwest of Ulaanbaatar. A large industrial complex, built in the late 1960s with Soviet and eastern European aid, makes Darkhan one of the largest industrial centres in Mongolia. A building-industry combine produces concrete, lime cement, bricks, and wood and steel products.
Darkhan-Uul Province - Wikipedia
Darkhan-Uul (Mongolian: Дархан-Уул [tárχəɴ‿ʊ́ːɬ]; lit. 'Mount Blacksmith') is one of the 21 provinces of Mongolia. It is located in the northern part of the country. The city Darkhan was founded on 17 October 1961 within Selenge Province, as a second industrial center to reduce migration pressure on the capital, Ulaanbaatar. [2]
Дархан-уул аймгийн засаг даргын тамгын газар
Таны бодлоор Дархан-Уул аймгийн төрийн байгууллагын үйл ажиллагаанд хүнд суртал бий юу? Тийм бол аль байгууллагын үйл ажиллагаанд байна вэ? Та иргэдийн гар утасны аппликейшныг татаж аван орон нутгийн үйлчилгээг цахимаар авах, судалгаанд оролцох, лавлагаа авах гэх мэт ухаалаг үйлчилгээг нэг доороос …
Darkhan (city) - Wikiwand
Darkhan (/ ˈdɑːrkɑːn /, UK also / ˈdɑːrhæn /; Mongolian: Дархан, [ˈtarχɴ̩]) is the third-largest city in Mongolia and the capital of Darkhan-Uul Aimag. Quick Facts Дархан (Mongolian)ᠳᠠᠷᠬᠠᠨ, Country ... On October 17, 1961, the city of Darkhan was built …
On October 17, 1961, the city of Darkhan was built with extensive economic assistance from the Comercon. As its name implies, the city was originally conceived to be a manufacturing site for Mongolia's northern territory.
Darkhan City in Darkhan-Uul - ESCAPE TO MONGOLIA
Darkhan City is the capital of Darkhan-Uul province and the second biggest city in Mongolia after Ulaanbaatar.
Darkhan-Uul - Mongolia guide
Darkhan is the second largest educational center in Mongolia, making the educational level of the city’s population very high. Hundreds of students come to Darkhan from other parts of Mongolia to study.
Darkhan - Wikipedia
Darkhan (Mongolian: Дархан) is a craftsman or an honorary privilege in the Mongolian language. It can also refer to:
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