DSR 2xNO3+ – Deltec USA
2xNO3+ – Nitrate reef supplement.Target: Target 0.5-3ppm (maximum 1ppm/d)Nutrient to prevent tissue lost of LPS corals due to the NO3 deficiency. Soft tissue corals do appreciate some nitrate. Do not apply NO3+ in a system with algae growth.Concentration: 0.72ml / …
DSR 2xNO3 + (NO3) | DSR water care | Minerals & supplements
DSR 2xNO3+ (NO3): Supplement 5000ml Addition for increasing the NO3 content in the water. Nutrition to prevent tissue loss of LPS due to a deficiency of nitrate. Corals with soft tissue appreciate nitrate. DSR
- Reviews: 189
EZ-DSR – DSRreefing.com
The EZ-DSR program is a easy to use method with 4 instant dosing solutions. The EZ-Buffer, EZ Calcium and EZ Trace can be initiated at a fixed ratio of 5:1:(0,5). The EZ-Carbon solution decreases PO4 and NO3 very efficiently.
DSR NO3+ (Nitrate) - DSR Forum
Jul 14, 2014 · DSR controls nutrients by adding and removing them with NO3+/PO4+ vs CarbonVs/Fe+. During the startup minimizing nutrients is essential, because adding them in this stage will only fuel Algae growth. NO3 and PO4 supplementation is only needed for corals (with defficïency symptoms) and only when the algae's are under control by the cleaning ...
DSR 2x NO3+ Nitrate reef supplement
FREE DELIVERY DSR 2x NO3+ Nitrate reef supplement Addition for increasing the NO3 content in the water. Nutrition to prevent tissue loss of LPS due to a deficiency of nitrate. Corals with soft tissue appreciate nitrate.
DSR NO-3 - YouTube
Target at 200m & 500m.
DSR (reef)aquarium products | Ocean Store
Below you will find all products of the brand DSR.
DSR 2x NO3 + 1000 ml bestellen ? l Coralandfishstore.nl
DSR 2xNO3+ 1000ml. Diverse koralen hebben behoefte aan nitraat om te kunnen floreren in het aquarium. in DSR stuur ik op een nitraat tussen de 0,5ppm tot maximaal 5ppm, waarbij 2,5ppm een mooie middenweg is. Het is af te raden om met nitraat < 0,2ppm te gaan. Voordat je besluit Nitraat te gaan doseren moet je eerst een aantal zaken uitsluiten:
DSR - EZ Carbon - Deltec USA
The EZ-DSR program is an easy to use method with 4 instant dosing solutions. The EZ-Buffer, EZ Calcium and EZ Trace can be initiated at a fixed ratio of 5:1:0.5. The EZ-Carbon solution decreases PO4 and NO3 very efficiently and is dosed according to …
DSR NO3+ 500ml - Community Corals
DSR NO3+ is a nitrate complex to increase your NO3 value. 0,72ml / 100 liters increase the NO3 value by 1ppm. More information can be found here.
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