How do I find an article by DOI in Google Scholar?
Jul 3, 2023 · Here are the steps for finding an article by searching in Google Scholar for the DOI. In this example we will search for the article with DOI: 10.1177/0741713611402046. On the Library homepage click on Publications. Scroll down to Find articles and click on the tab: By DOI; Enter the DOI number in the search box. Tip: Do
How do I cite an article with a DOI? - Walden University
Jul 17, 2023 · A DOI number does not affect the in-text citation of an article, but it does change the reference entry slightly. An article with a DOI number would use the following reference template: Author, A. (Year).
How do I cite an article without a DOI? - Walden University
Jul 17, 2023 · If there is no DOI number for an online article you found in a common academic research database, there is no need to include additional electronic retrieval information. The reference entry looks like the entry for a print version of the same article. With No Additional Electronic Retrieval Information. Grammer, R. (2015). Life with chocolate.
Should I include a hyperlink in a DOI? - Walden University
Jul 17, 2023 · Although the (digital object identifier) DOI number may appear in a variety of formats in an article or metadata record, use just the hyperlink format for reference list entries.
How do I cite articles from a database in APA?
Jun 1, 2016 · Journal article references will typically use a DOI number or the webpage URL. If an article from a common academic research database does not have a DOI number, no DOI or URL is needed for the reference entry.
How do I search by Accession Number or Document ID?
Apr 2, 2022 · Type the Accession number or Document ID into the database search box. In databases from EBSCO, change the Select a Field (optional) drop-down menu to AN Accession Number. Click Search. You should see the article as the only result or as a top result.
What do I do if Google Scholar cannot find an article by title or doi ...
Mar 15, 2022 · If you want to verify the DOI is correct: use the Metadata Search on Crossref.org to search for the article title. The result will list the DOI. More Information: What is the difference between library databases, Google Scholar and the internet? Guide: Find Full Text: Overview and FAQs . Do you have other Library questions? Ask a Librarian!
What are some differences between the APA style 6th and 7th …
Jul 25, 2023 · Sources with DOI number must include entire URL doi.org. 6th edition: Hudson, D. J. (2017). On "diversity" as anti-racism in library and information studies: A critique.
How do I find an article in the Library if I have the reference ...
One way to locate a specific article for which you have the citation or DOI is to start on our Journals & Articles page. On the Library homepage click on Publications. Scroll down to Find articles and click on the option you want to try: By Title, By Journal, By DOI ; Type or copy your information into the search box. Click search.
How do I find a journal's URL or homepage? - Walden University
Dec 15, 2020 · In APA 7 you do not need the journal homepage when you cite an article without a DOI. Searching the internet is the best way to find a journal's URL, or the web address for its homepage. The journal's homepage is where you find information about the journal online from the publisher, including author and submission policies and guidelines.