DKW - Wikipedia
DKW (Dampfkraftwagen, English: "steam-power car" – the same initials later also used for Des Knaben Wunsch, English: "the knave's/boy's wish"; Das Kleine Wunder, English: "the little …
This Vintage DKW Moped Is As Much A Futuristic Art Piece As It Is ...
Jun 26, 2023 · Back in the early 1960s, famed motorcycle manufacturer DKW made an otherworldly moped that you can buy. This is the striking DKW Hummel 115.
DKW 1957-1961. - moped
Motor: Einzylinder-Zweitakt DKW 49ccm, Verdichtung 1:6,5, Dauerleistung 1,35 PS bei 4400 U/min, Bergsteigfähigkeit 20%. Vergaser: Bing-Startvergaser mit Naßluftfilter. Getriebe und …
DKW | Moped Wiki — Moped Army
Jun 3, 2018 · DKW (Dampf-Kraft-Wagen) was a German automobile and motorcycle manufacture. DKW was one of the early adopters and innovators in the development of small …
DKW 50cc motorcycles - Bikez
Here you find DKW 50ccs, mopeds and small scooters with specifications, pictures, rider ratings and discussions ordered by category. Click a model name to show specifications and pictures. …
DKW 75 cc two-stroke Hobby scooter - MCNews
Jan 5, 2023 · DKW 75 cc Hobby Scooter. The Hobby seen here is from the final (’57) year of production and unusually for the time it employs wire spoked, rather than solid rims and a …
Dkw Moped, Motorrad gebraucht kaufen | kleinanzeigen.de
Seltenes DKW-Moped. Vor 2 Jahhren umfangreich restauriertes Moped DKW Type 114 zu verkaufen. Der Motor wurde revidiert:...
1965 DKW Moped — Moped Army
Jun 11, 2013 · Motor is a 805, 3 speed, 50cc, rated @ 2hp @5500 rpm, top speed 38 mph. Bosch ignition, Zweirad Union flywheel, Bing Midget carb.
1957 DKW Hummel specifications and pictures - Bikez
The 1957 DKW Hummel and all other motorcycles made 1894-2025. Specifications. Pictures. Rating. Discussions.
Dkw Moped kleinanzeigen.de
Tank Hercules DKW Mofa Moped. Der Tank ist innen sauber, hat eine Beule. 60 €