DC-SIGN - Wikipedia
DC-SIGN is a C-type lectin receptor present on the surface of both macrophages and dendritic cells. DC-SIGN on macrophages recognises and binds with high affinity to high-mannose type …
DC-SIGN Family of Receptors - PMC - PubMed Central (PMC)
DC-SIGN is a prototype C-type lectin organized in microdomains, which have their role as pathogen recognition receptors in sensing microbes. Although the integrin LFA-1 is a counter …
DC-SIGN (dendritic cell-specific ICAM-grabbing non-integrin) and DC …
DC-SIGN (dendritic cell-specific ICAM-grabbing non-integrin, where ICAM is intercellular adhesion molecule) is a recently described mannose-specific C-type lectin expressed by dendritic cells. …
DC-SIGN - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
DC-SIGN recognizes carbohydrates including high mannose glycans and fucose-containing glycans such as Lewis A, Lewis B, Lewis X and Lewis Y or fucosylated LacdiNAc (LDNF) that …
C-type lectin DC-SIGN: An adhesion, signalling and antigen …
The dendritic cell-specific intercellular adhesion molecule-3-grabbing non-integrin (DC-SIGN) is a type II C-type lectin whose expression is restricted to the most potent antigen-presenting cells …
DC-SIGN: escape mechanism for pathogens - Nature
Sep 1, 2003 · HIV-1 targets DC-SIGN to hide in DCs and for efficient transmission to T cells, as DC-SIGN functions as a trans-receptor that efficiently presents infectious virus to target T cells.
The C Type Lectins DC-SIGN and L-SIGN - PubMed Central (PMC)
DC-SIGN and L-SIGN are C-type lectins that recognize carbohydrate structures present on viral glycoproteins and function as attachment factors for several enveloped viruses. DC-SIGN and …
Identification of DC-SIGN, a Novel Dendritic Cell–Specific ICAM-3 ...
Mar 3, 2000 · We discovered that instead of the common ICAM-3 receptors LFA-1 and αDβ2, a novel DC-specific C-type lectin, DC-SIGN, binds ICAM-3 with high affinity. DC-SIGN, which is …
DC-SIGN - Cell Press
Mar 3, 2000 · DC SIGN is a type II membrane protein with an external mannose-binding, C-type lectin domain. It was cloned from a placental library, through its capacity to bind the glycan …
Structural basis for distinct ligand-binding and targeting properties ...
Jun 13, 2004 · Both the dendritic cell receptor DC-SIGN and the closely related endothelial cell receptor DC-SIGNR bind human immunodeficiency virus and enhance infection. However, …