Sanhedrin 62 - My Jewish Learning
Near the top of today’s daf, we read this curious exchange between Rabbi Yohanan and Rabbi Zakkai: Rabbi Zakkai taught the following beraita before Rabbi Yohanan: If one sacrificed an animal to an idol, and burned incense as an offering to an idol, and poured a libation to an idol, and bowed to an idol, all in the course of one lapse of ...
Sanhedrin - Daf 62 - Zichru Daf Simanim - OU Torah
Tannaim discuss why the Torah specifically prohibited kindling a fire on Shabbos (since all מלאכות were already prohibited). Rebbe Yose says: הבערה ללאו יצאה – kindling was specified to be reduced to a mere negative commandment (in contrast to all other מלאכות, which incur סקילה).
Sanhedrin Daf 62 סַנהֶדרִין דַף 62 - zichru.com
To discover the power of remembering the daf and view this audio lesson, please create a free Zichru account. 1. הבערה ללאו יצאה or לחלק יצאה. Tannaim discuss why the Torah specifically prohibited kindling a fire on Shabbos (since all מלאכות were already prohibited).
POINT BY POINT SUMMARY - Sanhedrin, Daf 62 - Cohen-Levi
SANHEDRIN 62 - has been dedicated by Family Posen of Jerusalem & London to honor the Yahrzeit on 3 Kislev of their father, Reb Moshe ben Yehoshua (Frank) Posen Z"L, who completed Shas learning Dafyomi.
R' Avi Wiesenfeld | Sanhedrin - Daf 62
Feb 16, 2025 · Sanhedrin - Daf 62. AW. R' Avi Wiesenfeld. Follow. Like. Share. Add to. Download. Phone. 0 comments. Leave a comment. Up Next. Autoplay. 2:16. R' Aryeh Kerzner A Story to Remember: Rav Wosner and the Daily Coffee. ... R' Eli Stefansky Daf Yomi Sanhedrin Daf 77. Mar 4, 2025 ...
Daf Yomi Kiddushin Daf 62 by R’ Eli Stefansky - YouTube
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Sanhedrin Daf 62 - Chiluk Melachos and Avodos
Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz is the Rav of Beis Haknesses of North Woodmere (BKNW).
Sanhedrin 62 - Daf Yomi by Rabbi Eli Stefansky
His Daf Yomi shiurim are streamed live every morning and is watched by participants around the globe, who write in with questions and comments. Eli also began delivering the “8 Minute Shiur” – a review of the day’s Daf in only 8 minutes.
Sanhedrin 62 - Cycle 14 - Daf Yomi with Rabbi Elefant - OU Torah
Rabbi Moshe Elefant is Chief Operating Officer of OU Kosher and the maggid shiur of the Orthodox Union’s Daf Yomi webcast (whose 1,800 learners a day around the globe make his lectures the most popular Daf in the world).
Bava Metzia - Daf 62 - Zichru Daf Simanim - OU Torah
Rebbe Akiva came and taught that "וחי אחיך עמך" teaches: חייך קודמים לחיי חבירך – your own life takes precedence over your fellow’s life, and the owner should drink all the water himself to survive. A Baraisa proves that ribbis is refunded to the …