Home | Wallaceburg District Secondary School
Veteran educator, community advocate, and lifelong champion of student achievement takes on leadership role. The Lambton Kent District School Board (LKDSB) is proud to announce ...
Wallaceburg District Secondary School - Wikipedia
Wallaceburg District Secondary School is the high school in Wallaceburg, Ontario, Canada. While offering education for grades 9 to 12, the building houses public school students for grades 7 and 8. The school comes within the control of the Lambton Kent District School Board.
Jan 30, 2025 · The mission of the Division of Welfare and Supportive Services is to engage clients, staff, and the community to provide public assistance benefits to all who qualify and reasonable support for children with absentee parents …
Currently, the WDSS-II system is composed of LINUX-based applications that ingest multiple data streams and process the data using NSSL’s enhanced severe weather detection algorithms. Several new algorithms currently under development integrate multiple radars or other sensor data sets for display.
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The Warning Decision Support System–Integrated Information
Jun 1, 2007 · The Warning Decision Support System–Integrated Information (WDSS-II) is the second generation of a system of tools for the analysis, diagnosis, and visualization of remotely sensed weather data.
NSSL’s Warning Decision Support System-Integrated Information (WDSS-II) On Demand can be used to help confirm when and where severe weather occurs. The American Red Cross and local NWS forecast offices have used the product for disaster …
The Warning Decision Support System (WDSS) was developed by NSSL in the early 1990’s in order to test newly developed severe weather detection algorithms on data from the WSR-88D (Eilts, 1997).
About | Wallaceburg District Secondary School
W.D.S.S. has approximately 800 students in grades 7 to 12. The exceptional staff provide outstanding opportunities for our students both in their courses and extracurricular activities. Wallaceburg District Secondary School offers a full complement of classes and courses from Grade 7 through Grade 12.
The WDSS-II system is the culmination of 10+ years of research in the development of automated tools and guidance products to help forecasters diagnose severe weather. This paper is intended to be an overview of the current state of the WDSS-II development effort and highlight some the new applications and uses of WDSS-II.