Cumae - Wikipedia
Cumae (Ancient Greek: Κύμη, romanized: (Kumē) or Κύμαι (Kumai) or Κύμα (Kuma); [1] Italian: Cuma) was the first ancient Greek colony of Magna Graecia on the mainland of Italy and was founded by settlers from Euboea in the 8th century BCE.
Cyme (Aeolis) - Wikipedia
Cyme (Greek: Κύμη) or Cumae was an Aeolian city in Aeolis close to the kingdom of Lydia. It was called Phriconian, perhaps from the mountain Phricion in Aeolis, near which the Aeolians had been settled before their migration to Asia.
Ancient coins of Campania - snible.org
The female head on the coins of Cumae may perhaps represent a nymph Kyme as a personification of the city, or possibly the famous Cumaean sibyl or the siren Parthenope. For numerous other varieties see Sambon, Mon. ant. de l'Italie , pp. 139 sqq.
The Greek colony of Cumae - Ancient World Magazine
Aug 16, 2019 · About 18 kilometres west from Naples is the archaeological site of Cuma, which in antiquity was the home of the Cumaean sibyl (oracle). Between the eighth and sixth centuries BC, the ancient Greeks founded a large number of cities in Southern Italy and Sicily.
Cumae - Mythopedia
Sep 21, 2023 · Cumae (known as Cyme in Greek) was a city in Campania in western Italy. It was first founded as a colony around 740 BCE by Greeks from Euboea, quickly prospering due to its fertile plain and its strategic position on the Bay of Naples.
Campania - NumisWiki, The Collaborative Numismatics Project
The female head on the coins of Cumae may perhaps represent a nymph Kyme as a personification of the city, or possibly the famous Cumaean sibyl or the siren Parthenope. For numerous other varieties see Sambon, Mon. ant. de l 'Italie, pp. 139 sqq. Among these may be mentioned a didrachm of the Neapolitan type, Obv.
Meepzorp's Ancient Coins
Campania, Cumae, 4th-3rd century BC, AR didrachm head of nymph/ KVMAION, mussel shell, star (16 rays) SNG ANS 240 var., SNG Cop. 362, Rare (R1) Posted November 2015. Campania, Cumae, ca. 420-385 BC, AR Nomos, 7.10g female head, grain ear in hair/ KYMAION, large mussel shell, barley grain
Portrait of a man. Rome, Torlonia Museum.
Although the artist has lavished as much attention on facial detail as did the creator of the terracotta from Cumae, the Otricoli portrait is devoid of the Hellenistic torsion and lively animation of the head from Cumae. The Otricoli head is frontally positioned, and the …
Italy, Campania, Cumae (c. 425 BC), Silver Didrachm, 7.58 gms., die ...
Cumae, founded by citizens of Chalcis in Euboia about 750 BC, was the first of all the Greek colonies in Italy. Immensely prosperous and influential during the first few hundred years of her existence, Neapolis and Messana were just two of the new cities founded by her citizens.
Campania, Cumae - Ancient Greek Coins - WildWinds.com
Head of nymph (may be the Cumaean sibyl or the Nymph Parthenope), right / mussel shell and barleycorn. CAMPANIA, Cumae. ca 420-380 BC. AR Nomos. Diademed female head right / KYMAION, large mussel shell, skylla right above. Rutter 138.