Culet - Wikipedia
In gemology, a culet is a flat face on the bottom of a gemstone. During the 14th century, after the adoption of the table cut, a further facet was added to the bottom of the cut parallel to the surface of the table. The term used for these bottom facets derives from the Latin word for bottom, culus.
Diamond Culet: Everything You Need to Know - The Diamond Pro
Sep 5, 2023 · A diamond culet is the tiny facet at the bottom of a diamond’s pavilion, serving as the tip or point where the gem’s facets converge. The culet is a critical but often overlooked feature of a diamond’s anatomy, influencing its overall appearance and brilliance.
Diamond Culet: What It Is & Why A Culet Is Important - Rare Carat
Purpose of the Culet: The purpose of the culet is to prevent damage to the diamond, especially for those diamonds with a sharp point at the end. This point can be quite delicate and can chip or break off easily.
CULET Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of CULET is the small flat facet at the bottom of a brilliant parallel to the table.
Diamond Culet, Learn about the Culet of a Diamond - Brilliance
What is Diamond Culet and does it matter? We explain why the culet of a diamond is important when purchasing a diamond and how that can relate to your ring setting.
Diamond Culet: What is it & How Does it Impact a Diamond
Dec 31, 2022 · Does diamond culet play a big role in a gem's cut quality today? Read this culet guide and learn which culet grade you should choose!
Diamond Culet - The HOLE In The Middle Has Stories To TELL
Sep 5, 2018 · Open Diamond Culet – the Reasons. Naturally the culet area is the most sensitive area of a diamond cut both optically and potentially damage wise, it’s where all the pavilion main facets meet to a central point thus the most concentrated reflection point in a polished diamond.
Everything You Need to Know About a Diamond Culet
May 26, 2023 · The culet is typically polished to prevent damage and enhance the diamond's overall appearance. It can vary in size and shape, with options ranging from no culet (pointed) to large culets (flat). The culet plays a role in determining a diamond's overall grade and affects its brilliance and clarity.
Diamond Culet - What Is It, and Why Is It Important?
The culet of a diamond refers to the bottom tip at the base of the stone. It is typically not seen by the naked eye, since it is the bottom-most facet- opposite to the table. It typically is the pointed tip of the diamond, but certain stones have an additional facet at the culet that is parallel to the diamond’s table .
Diamond Culet: Is it Important? - Petra Gems
Dec 11, 2024 · The culet (pronounced as Kullet or Kyoo-lit) is a polished facet located at the bottom of a gemstone, parallel to the table. The term "culet" originates from the Latin word culus, meaning "bottom."