CTRL + T no longer transforms non-paths? This is insane
Feb 27, 2025 · Perhaps I am missing something, but when I press CTRL T to transform raster pixels, I get this insanely stupid alert. No, I'm not trying to edit a path. WTF? When I go to the edit settings, there are only options for transforming paths. Yes, I'm on the correct layer. Yes, it is unlocked. Yes, I'm 100% the pixels are within the selection.
Keyboard shortcut (CTRL+T- Free Transform) not wor... - Adobe …
Apr 29, 2020 · I had the same problem since yesterday on v 22.5.1 , windows 10 (up to date). It started yesterday when I replaced a 2k to a 4k monitor. So Ctrl+T doesn't work when trying to select a layer, but works when the "Show Transform Controls" check box is on. FIX: reset the Workspace, and possibly change it a few times to different ones. Mine is on ...
Shift+Ctrl+Alt+T isn't duplicating anymore - Adobe Community
Apr 22, 2021 · • Press Cmd/Ctrl + T and apply your desired transformation. • Press Enter to confirm the transformation. • Use Ctrl + Shift + Alt + T (Transform Again with Duplicate) to check if the transformation works as intended. • Delete the rasterized layers.
Chrome のキーボード ショートカット - パソコン - Google …
Ctrl+T: 閉じたタブを閉じた順序で再び開く: Ctrl+Shift+T: 開いている次のタブに移動する: Ctrl+Tab または Ctrl+PgDn: 開いている前のタブに移動する: Ctrl+Shift+Tab または Ctrl+PgUp: 特定のタブに移動する: Ctrl+1~Ctrl+8: 右端のタブに移動する: Ctrl+9: ホームページを現在の ...
Solved: Photoshop bug after using Ctrl + T to resize image.
Oct 29, 2018 · Hello everyone, The Photoshop is shutting down by itself after using Ctrl + T to resize images after the last updated. Someone else have the same problem? If anyone can help me please, this "problem" persists for more than a week. >_< Thank you! Att. Amanda Scopel
Atalhos de teclado do Chrome - Computador - Ajuda do Google …
Ctrl + t: Reabrir guias fechadas anteriormente na ordem em que foram fechadas: Ctrl + Shift + t: Acessar a próxima guia aberta: Ctrl + Tab ou Ctrl + PgDn: Acessar a guia aberta anterior: Ctrl + Shift + Tab ou Ctrl + PgUp: Acessar uma guia específica: Ctrl + 1 a Ctrl + 8: Ir para a última guia à direita: Ctrl + 9: Abrir a página inicial na ...
Ctrl+Shift+S no longer Saves As in Photoshop from PSD files
May 16, 2021 · All of a sudden my photoshop is no longer behaving as it used to. I assume it was updated, but wonder if there's a way to change back to how it used to be. When working in a PSD I could use Ctrl + Shift + S to Save As and then drop down to .jpg or whatever I wanted. That no longer works. Now the o...
Solved: ctrl and another key nearby made rgb file go cmyk
Mar 6, 2020 · Solved: Hi, CS6 I did a ctrl and another nearby key and my bright vivid magenta layers have turned dull, history doesnt show an undo, if I create a new layer - 10968350
Photoshop 2020 Shift CTRL Z "Redo" Not Working - Adobe …
Apr 14, 2020 · I updated Photoshop to 2020 and moved to a new PC, and this problem was immediately present. The default key pattern SHIFT+CTRL+Z for Redo or Step Forward doesn't work at all. All other Undo commands work fine. I went to Keyboard Shortcuts and the correct key pattern was listed for the command. I tr...
แป้นพิมพ์ลัด Chrome - คอมพิวเตอร์ - Google Chrome …
Ctrl + t: เปิดแท็บที่ปิดก่อนหน้านี้อีกครั้งตามลำดับที่ปิด: Ctrl + Shift + t: ข้ามไปยังแท็บที่เปิดอยู่ถัดไป: Ctrl + Tab หรือ Ctrl + PgDn