What is the point of Ctrl-S? - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange
This leaves Ctrl-S free for use as the escape character for screen, with this in my .screenrc: escape ^Ss. Which in turn means that I can use the standard readline shortcut Ctrl-A for …
How to unfreeze after accidentally pressing Ctrl-S in a terminal?
But four were defined explicitly for controlling the terminal device itself (DC1 to DC4 aka Ctrl+Q, Ctrl+R, Ctrl+S and Ctrl+T). My best guess is that some engineer thought that (as mnemonics …
Configure shortcut on Vim to save file
Feb 18, 2017 · To expound on @muru's caveat about ctrl+s being trapped by the terminal: By default, a number of terminal-clients (including Cygwin) bind ctrl+s to the freeze output signal, …
bash - terminal Ctrl+s versus Ctrl+z - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange
Mar 30, 2018 · Ctrl+s stops output to the screen (and Ctrl+q resumes output to screen), whereas Ctrl+z suspends the process and I'm back to a PS1 prompt. My question is, does Ctrl+s keep …
How to cycle through reverse-i-search in Bash?
There's a replacement for built-in Ctrl + R called hstr. It allows to search command history matching all search tokens at the same time (among other things), and cycle through result …
How to permanently disable Ctrl-s in terminal?
Dec 26, 2016 · From here I understand that to disable Ctrl+S the stty -ixon command can be used and it works, but as soon as I close the terminal and open another I have to re-enter the …
Saving with CTRL-s in vim - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange
Disable terminal's interpretation of Ctrl+S # bash # No ttyctl, so we need to save and then restore ...
tty - What's the difference between the ^S and ^Z control …
May 23, 2011 · The Ctrl-S terminal output pause feature is an ancient de facto standard dating back to the days of teletypes, and is supported in all Unixy operating systems by convention, …
What are the keyboard shortcuts for the command-line?
Ctrl+n – next command in history (i.e. walk forward through the command history) Alt+. – use the last word of the previous command; Command Control Shortcuts. Ctrl+l – clear the screen; …
How to Navigate within bash's Reverse Search?
Unfortunately ctrl+s is used to signal xoff per default which means you can't use it to change the direction of the search. There are two solutions for solving the problem, one disabling sending …