Crysis custom cfg: - TechPowerUp
Jul 15, 2008 · Crysis Extreme Quality 1.3 Extreme-quality These configs will bring you past very high with smoother & consistent framerates. Minimum spec is a 8800GT/GTX or equivalent, and a decent dual core processor. Thanks: Special thanks to Koroush Ghazi over at tweakguides & to...
Crysis Remastered's 2.0 update brings back missing ... - EVGA …
Oct 5, 2004 · Crysis Remastered's 2.0 update brings back missing content and delivers further PC optimisations | OC3D News (overclock3d.net) Crysis Remastered has just received its 2.0 patch on PC, delivering additional performance optimisations, improvements to ray tracing and adds new content to the game.&...
Crysis Xtreme FX 2 Custom Extreme Ultra High Quality Graphics …
May 22, 2008 · Crysis Xtreme FX 2 Ultra High Quality Graphics & Effects Mod in = (HD) + Full Power Physics ! Hay guys. Sorry about the sound, I was listening to Techno when I made this and forgot to turn on the record sound on fraps, and I have no time to …
Crysis not working windows 10 | TechPowerUp Forums
Aug 4, 2016 · Hey guys, so last night i installed crysis after not having played it in years but when it loads it just sits at a black screen for about 10 seconds then crashes. Im running windows 10 64 bit home premium fresh install of the game patched to the …
Easiest way of increasing your Crysis Warhead performance
Sep 23, 2008 · In Crysis the CPU sometimes is the bottleneck. With the X2 4800+ I used to have 15 fps lows many times, now it rarely goes below 20. There is an exception that is related with the AI and memory, I think. Happened sometimes on original Crysis on both CPUs and also on Warhead, after playing some hours on very crowded areas.
Crysis 3 Nanosuit Upgrade? - EVGA Forums
Dec 26, 2010 · In Crysis 4, they need to make the Nano-Prophet have the original crysis game suit powers. Having 2 options (Shield and stealth) are not as cool as having the 4 option. Intel i7 11700k l ASUS PRIME Z590-A l ASUS TUF RTX3080Ti l 32GB Corsair Vengeance Pro l Evga 1000w Gold l 512GB Samsung EVO l 2x5 TB Storage Drives l Corsair Crystal 570X White ...
Crysis - install/uninstall problem | TechPowerUp Forums
Dec 22, 2008 · create a folder on desktop name it crysis, open the crysis disk and edit and select all then copy to folder (crysis the one you made) leave the disk in the cdrom when done, but, run the setup from the crysis folder, if it has missing files again see witch ones it says and open disk again find the file its missing and recopy that file to the crysis folder, then hit continue on the …
Crysis No CD patch - EVGA Forums
Oct 20, 2009 · Re:Crysis No CD patch 2010/04/25 05:46:00 I don't exactly know if we're allowed to talk about non-official patches/cracks like this, but, meh, whatever! So yeah, I've actually never gotten any of the No CD Patches from Game Burn/Copy World to work with the x64 executable.
Crysis suddenly won't run full screen! - EVGA Forums
Apr 12, 2009 · Re:Crysis suddenly won't run full screen! 2010/03/22 09:19:47 ^+1, yeah I had some issues with it doing that also, it was primarily a dx10 issue though. alt+tab fixed it for a while, but after a bit I had to re-install crysis to get rid of the problem.
OSD Display Problem With Afterburner and Crysis
Sep 10, 2008 · I purchased Crysis last holiday season from Steam and have waited to play it until I upgraded my GPU. I finally upgraded my GPU and now I want to give Crysis a try for the first time to see if I can push it to the maximum. I've played Warhead and Crysis 2 and never had a problem with my OSD while using Precision at that time.