hall bar geometry: Topics by Science.gov
Dec 1, 2017 · We derive expressions as functions of f bar and { R} for the bar strength Qb and the radius r(Qb ) where the maximum bar torque occurs. When applied to observations, these expressions suggest that bars in real galaxies are most likely to have f bar ~ 0.25-0.50 and n ~ 1.
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heavily carbon-doped gaas: Topics by Science.gov
Jun 8, 2018 · The presence of isolated hydrogen donors in heavily carbon-doped GaAs. NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS) Fushimi, Hiroshi; Wada, Kazumi
del gen irs-2: Topics by Science.gov
Jun 1, 2018 · Additionally, hepatic insulin signaling was assessed in control and IRS 2 −/− mice treated with resveratrol, an antioxidant present in red wine. RESULTS In livers of hyperglycemic IRS 2 −/− mice, the expression levels of PTP1B and its association with the insulin receptor ( IR ) were increased.
western treatment plant: Topics by Science.gov
May 14, 2018 · SPSS Version 16 was used to summarize relevant ethno-botanical/medicinal information using descriptive statistics, frequency, percentage, tables, and bar graphs. A total of 200 different plant species (from 71 families) used for traditional malaria treatment were identified in different parts of Ethiopia.
activated carbons darco: Topics by Science.gov
May 9, 2018 · Furthermore, nitrogen doping and reduction with hydrogen yields active N-doped materials (A-NPC and A-rNPC) containing up to 9.3% nitrogen, making them nucleophilic porous carbons with further increase in the Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) surface areas up to 2860 m(2) g(-1) for A-NPC and CO2 uptake to 26 mmol g(-1) or 114 wt % at 30 bar and 25 ...
cocoa pod husk: Topics by Science.gov
Cocoa pod was subjected to different treatments, i.e. C (cocoa pod without any treatment or control), CAm (cocoa pod +1.5% urea), CMo (cocoa pod +3% molasses), CRu (cocoa pod +3% rumen content) and CPh (cocoa pod +3% molasses+Phanerochaete chrysosporium inoculum). Analysis of proximate and Van Soest's fiber fraction were performed on the ...
oxygen fugacity buffer: Topics by Science.gov
Jun 1, 2018 · These buffers are precisely known at 1 bar, but under high pressures corresponding to the conditions of the deep Earth, oxygen fugacity buffers are poorly calibrated. Reference (1 bar) fO{sub 2} buffers can be integrated to high pressure conditions by integrating the difference in volume between the solid phases, provided that their equations ...
gram scale synthesis: Topics by Science.gov
May 1, 2018 · More importantly, the deliverable capacity (58 bar to 5.8 bar) for NU-125 is 67% of the deliverable capacity of a CNG tank that starts at 248 bar. (For crystalline granules or powders, particle packing inefficiencies will yield densities and deliverable capacities lower than 86%more » and 67% of high-pressure CNG.)
psi radiative decays: Topics by Science.gov
May 1, 2018 · The authors reconstruct the charmonium mesons J/{psi}, {psi}(2S) and {chi}{sub c} using a sample of 8.46 x 10{sup 6} B{bar B} events collected by the BABAR detector operating at e{sup +}e{sup -} center of mass energies near the {Lambda}(4S) resonance. by measuring rates relative to the branching fraction of the J/{psi}, they obtain preliminary ...