Cowpea can be used as forage, hay, and silage. When used as forage, it should only be lightly grazed after flowering (FAO, 2012). If there are several buds left after defoliation, the plant will regenerate. When used as silage, it can be mixed with sorghum, maize, or molasses to provide sugar for fermentation (FAO, 2012). In some
Do Cowpeas Make Good Hay? Here is the Characteristic
Jun 11, 2023 · Cowpea hay can have similar qualities to alfalfa hay when planted in a pattern. It also answers the most frequently asked question about do cowpeas make good hay. The best quality is obtained when it is cut or harvested at certain intervals and decreases as it …
Texas A&M releases new Ace cowpea - AgriLife Today
Jul 14, 2018 · Ace is a small-seed cowpea cultivar developed for forage and hay production, as a cover crop and as a wildlife supplemental planting, said Dr. Gerald Smith, AgriLife Research plant breeder in Overton. Cowpea is a warm-season, drought-tolerant legume.
Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) forage - Feedipedia
Cowpea hay. In Ethiopia, in crossbred growing steers, cowpea hay was given at 1.5 kg (30% diet) to supplement a hay diet, and resulted in live-weight gain of nearly 250 g/d (Varvikko et al., 1992).
Summer legume forage crops: cowpeas, lablab, soybeans
Hay and silage. Cowpeas, lablab and soybean make excellent quality hay that compares favourably with lucerne hay (see table 3). A conditioner should be used to split or crack the thick stems. Crude protein levels generally range from 15 to 20 per cent with metabolisable energy (ME) values of 8 to 9.5.
Cowpea - corn.aae.wisc.edu
3 days ago · In many areas of the world, the cowpea is the only available high quality legume hay for livestock feed. Digestibility and yield of certain cultivars have been shown to be comparable to alfalfa. Cowpea may be used green or as dry fodder. It also is used as a green manure crop, a nitrogen fixing crop, or for erosion control.
Texas A&M releases new Ace cowpea
Aug 13, 2018 · A new forage cowpea variety – Ace – blends a number of desirable characteristics into into a well-rounded option for livestock, wildlife and improved soil health, according to a Texas A&M AgriLife Research expert.
Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) - Mississippi State University …
Feb 28, 2025 · Grazing/Hay Management: Yields ranging from 2 to 3.5 tons/ac. Cowpea can also be used for the production of high quality hay or silage, when mixed with crops such as corn or sorghum, or it can be used for rotational grazing.
Cowpea - Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education Program
Mar 22, 2021 · When harvested for seed, cut crop when 1/2-2/3 of seed are ripe. Self-rake reapers or special harvesters may be used. For hay, cut when most pods are fully formed and the first have ripened. Ordinary mowers may be used with cowpea (Duke, 1981)
Cowpea is an excellent crop to grow for pasture or with corn for silage (two parts corn plus one part cowpeas) and with Sudan grass for hay. Thus they can provide high quality pasture from June until frost if managed properly and total yield can increase by cutting the plant twice in the season. If grown for hay it should be planted early when