Moment cow rescued after getting stuck in giant ceramic water pot
Jan 4, 2023 · The bizarre moment a cow was freed from a giant ceramic water pot was caught on camera in Cambodia. This clip shows men using a hammer to smash through the pot, revealing the farm animal inside...
Heroic Rescue! | Man Frees Cow Stuck in Clay Pot!
Feb 9, 2025 · Title:"Heroic Rescue! 🙌🐄 | Man Frees Cow Stuck in Clay Pot!"Description:"A true act of kindness! 💙🐄Watch this brave man rescue a helpless cow whose head ...
Cow somehow gets stuck in giant ceramic pot - Yahoo News UK
Jan 7, 2023 · This is the bizarre moment a cow was rescued after somehow getting stuck in a giant ceramic water pot in Kandal, Cambodia on December 14.
Cow somehow gets stuck in giant ceramic water pot - Newsflare
This is the bizarre moment a cow was rescued after somehow getting stuck in a giant ceramic water pot. The farm animal climbed into the garden object but could not get back out again in Kandal province, Cambodia, on December 14. Villagers heard it making noises and broke the pot to help it back to freedom.
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Villagers rescue cow stuck in a giant ceramic water pot
A cow was rescued after getting stuck in a giant ceramic water pot. #cow #cows #cowvideos #animals #animallover #animalshorts #animal #animalrescue #rescue
Locals reaction to cow in pot : r/PublicFreakout - Reddit
Mar 4, 2021 · However... cow is stuck. Can't jump back because its head is inside the pot so it can't generate the momentum needed to get its front feet out. Too stupid to figure out how to get its head out from under the rim.
A funny video of a cow getting its head stuck inside a big clay pot …
A funny video of a cow getting its head stuck inside a big clay pot in TBILISI and the people nearby helping the cow to take its head out
Moment cow rescued after getting stuck in giant ceramic water pot
Jan 4, 2023 · This is the bizarre moment a cow was rescued after somehow getting stuck in a giant ceramic water pot.The farm animal climbed into the garden object but could not get back out again in Kandal...
Guy breaks a pot : r/Unexpected - Reddit
Jun 19, 2021 · From what I heard about this, it's actually pretty horrible to think about... They raise the cows this way to make their meat more tender. The cows live like that in a pot so they can't …