Livestock numbers: Data to 2023 | Stats NZ
A map of New Zealand including the Chatham Islands represents a snapshot of the dairy cattle density (number of dairy cattle per hectare of farmland) in New Zealand including Chatham Islands in 2022.
Livestock numbers – published April 2021 | Stats NZ
This indicator measures the numbers of farmed dairy cattle, beef cattle, deer, and sheep over time nationally, by region, and territorial authority, and approximates the density of these livestock across New Zealand.
We are pleased to present the 2021/22 edition of New Zealand Dairy Statistics, the annual census of the national dairy herd. Each year it provides the largest and most comprehensive range of statistical analyses on current, historic and emerging trends in the New Zealand
Dairy, Sheep + Beef or Both? - The Map Kiwi
A 3D perspective map showing concentrations of livestock across New Zealand. The colours distinguish between areas with just dairy, just sheep+beef farming and areas with both (as of 2017). Created as part of the 30 Day Map Challenge (2021).
7 Appendix 1: Farming regions and districts - DairyNZ
The following map shows the farming regions used in all analyses presented in this report. The list of districts, which follow local authority boundaries (except in Auckland, Christchurch and Banks Peninsula), within each region is also given.
MilkMaP | Dairy Management Solutions, Training, Consulting in NZ
We offer effective dairy solutions to optimise farm profitability. We provide accurate budgeting, planning, live monitoring and management. Declining milk production & poor animal health? Over two days you will learn to be a Dairymaster.
Beef cattle in New Zealand farms - Figure.NZ
Cow: A mature female cattle beast of any age, but usually over 30 months. Dry cow/ewe: A female animal not carrying offspring. Ewe: A female sheep. Exotic timber: Timber harvested from trees which are not native to New Zealand. Heifer: A female cattle having no more than six permanent incisors.
Livestock numbers 1971–2017 | MfE Data Service - data.mfe.govt.nz
This data measures the numbers of farmed livestock (dairy and beef cattle, deer, and sheep) over time across New Zealand. Livestock farming is a widespread land use in New Zealand and is a large contributor to our economy.
Farm data and industry production | Beef + Lamb New Zealand
Here you'll find more than 10 years of farmgate data showing the average and annual monthly prices for YM lamb, all-grades lamb, mutton, steer, heifer, cow and bull meat – as well as the annual dairy milk solids payout, and price estimates for the year ahead.
Livestock numbers, 1994–2017 | MfE Data Service - Ministry for the ...
Apr 16, 2018 · We measure changes in the numbers of farmed livestock (eg beef and dairy cattle, deer, and sheep) across regions in New Zealand.