List of Safe Rom Sites (Please Stop Asking) : r/Roms - Reddit
Most of the people who post help posts on here can't find their ass with both hands in the dark. The sub has become famous for it, as most people who are brought here are brought here by their search engine and have no fucking idea how to …
Hey I wouldn't recommend Coolrom.com anymore. : r/emulation
Mar 11, 2014 · Coolrom has been becoming more and more known for malicious ads/content, and this guy was just letting people know in case they hadn't already heard. Not everyone is a keyboard warrior such as yourself and could easily mistake the real download link for a luring link that looks exactly the same as the download button.
Dose CoolRom is safe? : r/Roms - Reddit
Oct 4, 2022 · I don't use coolrom. I used to use it way back in 2012. But to see them removing the alternate link and becoming completely unusable is kinda sad. These days, I rarely use any rom site, cause the one's listed in megathreads give me only 10-20 KB/s most of the time and as a result, becomes unusable for larger games.
Is CoolRoms.com safe to use? : r/Roms - Reddit
Dec 30, 2020 · I've been looking at it's library of ROMs and it's pretty. Interesting does anyone know if it's alright to use
Risk with Coolrom ? : r/Roms - Reddit
Nov 1, 2020 · Posted by u/Ilatnem - 3 votes and 15 comments
Safe ROM websites? : r/Roms - Reddit
Nov 28, 2020 · Hello, I'm looking to relive some of my childhood memories. I am thinking of downloading the roms from these websites, could you guys tell me if they…
¿Son seguros los CoolROM? : r/Roms - Reddit
¿Son seguros los CoolROM? Porque recientemente descargué algunas ROM de PS1 y ninguna funcionó, así que tuve que usar el sitio web que envía el auto mod not. Pero aún así, sólo quiero preguntar si CoolROMs es seguro o no.
What website should I use that’s safe as of now 2020? : r/Roms
Jun 11, 2020 · I discovered coolrom.con ten years ago when I was 8 and played n64 wwf games and stuff. I’m trying to do the same today as I have access to a laptop that my nieces use for homework, I don’t want to give it any virus
Coolrom downloaded game location : r/Roms - Reddit
Jun 22, 2020 · Posted by u/EmpeorMagnoMalta - No votes and 5 comments
¿Cuál es la mejor pagina confiable para descargar roms de …
Dec 15, 2021 · 48 votes, 21 comments. true. Mas de uno, pero en japon el segundo de PS2 no es el mismo que el segundo aca (en el de japon podes crear un boxeador y ponerlo en algún lugar de la linea temporal del manga, entrenarli, tener peleas y eso, pero necesitas la guia en gamefaqs sino estas re perdido)