Amazon.com: Contact Poi
UltraPoi OrbPoi Set - Orb Poi w/LED UltraKnob Pro Handles - USB Rechargeable Contact LED Poi Balls w/ 30+ Color Modes & Patterns - LED Poi Spinning Balls w/Soft Durable Cases - Flow Arts Toy
flowmoja LED contact poi - durable, rechargeable, wireless control ...
Choice of the innovator of glow contact poi, flowmojas are 90mm with many customizable modes, colors, wireless control and top of the line FPC leashes. USB rechargeable. Lifetime warranty.
Custom Contact Poi - The Best Beginner Poi Set ... - Sacred Flow Art
These colorful contact poi are designed for contact moves & feature a durable head with a glossy finish! Great for beginners looking to learn or for the seasoned flowpro searching for a balanced contact poi set. Customize your poi set with our 15+ color options! Sold as a set of two poi.
LED Contact Poi Set: OrbPoi Pro with Gear Bag - UltraPoi
Ultra Poi’s Orb LED Contact Poi is a unique take on poi ball technology that changes the way Flow Arts are performed. Its distinct spherical shape allows performers to roll the LED poi across their body, and it creates more consistent-looking light trails from different angles.
Contact Poi - Dark Monk Spinning Arts Equipment
These Contact Poi are made from Play 90mm and 100mm contact spheres, Aerotech rope, and handle options to match your particular spinning style. Thanks to their design, these heads are made without cutting the ball or any external hardware, leaving the heads in perfect visual and physical condition.
LED Poi Orb Poi LED Contact Poi Set to buy In stock
This LED Contact Poi set allows you to have equal balanced light up poi heads perfect for spins, rolls, tosses, and juggling. You just found your new best contact poi spinning partner! LED CONTACT POI: Orb Poi w/ UltraKnob Pro got built with contact poi spinners in mind.
IzoPoi - contact led poi - NeoFlowArt
IzoPoi is an awesome ball-shaped LED contact poi with 100 mm diameter. It’s incredibly firm, convenient and balanced. You can wheel and throw them, and perform any contact or advanced tricks!
UltraPoi OrbPoi Set - Orb Poi w/Non LED Knob Handles - USB …
UltraPoi’s OrbPoi contact ball style poi are precisely crafted from durable components and premium design. Choose between our Orb Poi with Non LED Handle and Orb Poi with LED UltraKnob Pro Handles for more light trails.
Flowtoys Flowmoja - Capsule 2.0 LED Contact Poi - Firetoys US
Flowmoja are the best LED contact poi around! Each pair is handmade by Flowtoys elves with custom made parts as part of a small batch. Flowmoja use custom FPC leashes, 3D-printed Flowtoys "air" knobs with washers, Flowtoys capsule …
Contact Poi - Play Juggling
PLAY CONTACT POI featuring 3 STAGE BALL sizes (80 mm 150gr - 90 mm... Pair of CONTACT POIs made with 80mm diameter and 150g weight STAGE balls. The STANDARD version features our 36 mm diameter Thermoplastic rubber PX3 knobs, extremely soft and with exceptional grip.