Common treeshrew - Wikipedia
The common treeshrew (Tupaia glis) is a small mammal in the treeshrew family Tupaiidae, and is native to Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia. It has been listed as Least Concern by IUCN as it remains common and displays some adaptability to ongoing habitat loss .
Treeshrew - Wikipedia
Treeshrews are slender animals with long tails and soft, greyish to reddish-brown fur. The terrestrial species tend to be larger than the arboreal forms, and to have larger claws, which they use for digging up insect prey.
Comon tree shrews, Tupaia glis, are limited to Southeast Asia. More specifically, the range of common tree shrews begins just below the Isthmus of Kra in Thailand and continues through the Malayan Peninsula into Indonesia, which includes Sumatra, Java, and surrounding islands.
Common Treeshrew - Facts, Diet, Habitat & Pictures on
The Common treeshrew (Tupaia glis) is a small mammal native to Southeast Asia. It is one of the largest among treeshrews and was first described in 1820 by the French explorers Pierre-Médard Diard and Alfred Duvaucel. The Common treeshrew varies in colours of reddish-brown, greyish or black upper parts and whitish belly.
Common Tree Shrew: The Animal Files
Common Tree Shrews inhabit the deciduous tropical forests of south east Asia. They are found in Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia and on nearby islands. They are active during the day and they spend time in both in the trees and on the ground.
Tree shrew | Small Mammal, Nocturnal & Endemic to Southeast …
tree shrew, (order Scandentia), any of 17 Southeast Asian species of small mammals resembling squirrels and “true” shrews. Tree shrews, however, are neither rodents nor insectivores and differ from them to the extent that they constitute their own mammalian order.
Common Treeshrew (Selected Mammals Of Borneo) - iNaturalist
The common treeshrew (Tupaia glis) is a small mammal in the treeshrew family Tupaiidae, and is native to Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia. It has been listed as Least Concern by IUCN as it remains common and displays some adaptability to ongoing habitat loss.
Common Treeshrew - Tupaia glis - Ecology Asia
The Common Treeshrew Tupaia glis occurs in southern Thailand and Peninsular Malaysia, including the larger islands of both countries, Singapore, and the islands of Bintan and Batam the Riau Archipelago of Indonesia. To the north of its range it is replaced by the Northern Treeshrew Tupaia belangeri.
Common Tree Shrew (Tupaia glis) | U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
Working with others to conserve, protect and enhance fish, wildlife, plants and their habitats for the continuing benefit of the American people.
Common treeshrew (Tupaia glis) - Thai National Parks
The common treeshrew (Tupaia glis) is a small mammal in the treeshrew family Tupaiidae, and is native to Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia. It has been listed as Least Concern by IUCN as it remains common and displays some adaptability to ongoing habitat loss.