Location & Preparing the Comfrey Bed - Allotment & Gardens
A comfrey bed is basically a permanent feature with a lifespan in excess of 20 years on your plot or in your garden so getting the site right is fairly critical. Once established, killing off comfrey is very difficult unless you resort to chemicals.
Building a Raised Comfrey Bed Part 1 -East Texas Homestead
Feb 2, 2015 · This weekend we started preparing a Raised Comfrey Bed to plant this spring. This bed has a couple purposes. 1: The comfrey leaves will be sold to midwives in East Texas to be used in their practice. 2: The comfrey roots will be harvested and sold as cuttings for propagation.
Raised Comfrey Bed | Part 1 - YouTube
We're building a raised bed for nothing but comfrey. While we will get a good harvest of comfrey leaves to use in salves and other DIY projects. The main purpose of this bed is for...
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How to Plant, Grow, and Care for Comfrey - Epic Gardening
Jul 25, 2024 · The first green shoots of comfrey emerge from your garden bed as basal growth from its crown in mid-spring. It quickly forms a large clump with leaves 12 to 15 inches long, lance-shaped, green, and roughly textured with lots of tiny prickly hairs that can be a skin irritant.
Comfrey: Is It Right For Your Garden? - Siskiyou Seeds
Comfrey is best cultivated in root cuttings. This is by far the easiest and cheapest way to grow it. You can easily establish a bed of Comfrey with a handful of cuttings. In a few years you will be able to divide your Comfrey bed and share it with your friends and neighbors.
Comfrey - Insteading
A mature comfrey bed will flourish for decades before it begins to decline. Plant comfrey crown divisions on 3-foot spacing, mounding soil around the base of the plant. Water new plantings well to remove air pockets around the roots.
Comfrey Bed in Grow Your Own - Page 1 of 1
Feb 16, 2012 · I want to plant the flowering comfrey to encourage insects, but how wild is it? Will it it start cropping up everywhere or shall I go for Bocking 14? The plan is to plant it in its own semi-raised bed at the bottom of my plot in almost full shade.
Comfrey - Coleman Furniture
With our super soft Cuddler Cushion and luxurious faux fur fabric, Comfrey is the ideal spot for relaxing. Convenient cup holders are placed on each arm. OUR END OF SEASON SALE IS HAPPENING NOW!
Raised Comfrey Bed | Part 2 « East Texas Homestead
Feb 4, 2015 · Raised Comfrey Bed Part 2 is all about sheet mulching. Click to learn a little bit about sheet mulching and how it is applied to a raised comfrey bed.