Cocaine | C17H21NO4 | CID 446220 - PubChem
Cocaine is a benzoid acid ester that that was originally used as a local anesthetic, but is no longer used because of its potent addictive qualities. When given in high doses systemically, cocaine …
Cocaine: An Updated Overview on Chemistry, Detection, …
This review provides a brief overview of cocaine’s prevalence and patterns of use, its physical-chemical properties and methods for analysis, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, and …
Cocaine - Wikipedia
Cocaine (from French cocaïne, from Spanish coca, ultimately from Quechua kúka) [13] is a tropane alkaloid that acts as a central nervous system (CNS) stimulant. As an extract, it is …
Cocaine - NIST Chemistry WebBook
Chemical structure: This structure is also available as a 2d Mol file; Stereoisomers: Pseudococaine; Allococaine
DARK Classics in Chemical Neuroscience: Cocaine - PMC
In this review, we consider the story of cocaine from its humble origins in South America to its status as one of the most abused substances in 21 st century society. The synthesis and …
A Practical Total Synthesis of Cocaine's Enantiomers - Erowid
A simplified total synthesis of the single enantiomers of cocaine and racemic cocaine is outlined. The synthesis employs common laboratory glassware, reagents, and methods which can be …
Biosynthesis of cocaine - Wikipedia
Chemical structure of cocaine. The biosynthesis of cocaine has long attracted the attention of biochemists and organic chemists. This interest is partly motivated by the strong physiological …
Cocaine | Definition, Uses & Addiction | Britannica
5 days ago · cocaine, white crystalline alkaloid that is obtained from the leaves of the coca plant (Erythroxylum coca), a bush commonly found growing wild in Peru, Bolivia, and Ecuador and …
Chemical Characteristics of Cocaine – PEP - Sites@Duke
Cocaine is a molecule made up of C, H, O and N atoms. It is a weak base 1 (the N has 3 bonds) and, in solution, it exists in 2 forms in an equilibrium: the free base 2 and the acid salt (see …
Topics in the chemistry of cocaine - PubMed
Investigations into the stereochemistry of cocaine resulting from United States laws controlling such drugs are reviewed. Advances in presumptive tests for cocaine are described and some …