Cmaj7 arpeggio - TalkBass.com
Dec 23, 2019 · But nothing wrong with the major 7 as Cmaj7 is a major seven chord, i.e. it is not a b7 which implies it could be part of a minor chord, R-b3-5-b7 or part of a dominant seven chord, R-3-5-b7. Any major scale note, like the 8-9-11 would also fit.
A question about Cmaj7 Chord....etc | TalkBass.com
Mar 8, 2005 · This is somewhat misleading Cmaj7 means C (major) - with a major 7th (maj7). C means C (major) C7 means C (major) - with a minor 7th (dominant 7th) or mixolidian mode.
Clarity -- C7, Cm7, CM7 - TalkBass.com
Mar 4, 2007 · CM7 or CMaj7 is different; Maj doesn't refer to the quality of the chord but to the seventh. '7' just by itself is assumed to be dominant (minor), so C7 is understood as above, and CMaj7 is not synonymous; it's the major-major seventh chord or R-3-5-7. It's often written C(Maj7) to ameliorate this confusion.
Double Bass - Cmaj7 | TalkBass.com
Mar 13, 2013 · Question- I m relatively new to theory so please bear with me but I m a little confused by this. When someone tells you that a certain chord is for example Cmaj7, they are referring to from what I understand as the 7th note in the major scale of C. So B. Why wouldn t they just say the chord...
Confusion about 7th chords - TalkBass.com
Jun 13, 2008 · Cmaj7 and C major 7 are the same thing. Here are the notes included with the intervals for the 3 type of 7ths you were talking about: C7 = C dominant 7 = C (r), E (3) , G(5), A# (b7)
superimposed triads /chords? - TalkBass.com
Jun 9, 2006 · Am7/D7/Gmaj7/Cmaj7 The D triad from the second measure can be played again over the Gmaj7 (as the 5-7-9) and again over the Cmaj7 as the 9-#11-13. In this example you create tension by playing the same notes - the harmony continues to move even though you do not. Where does it resolve? Next four measures: F#m7b5/B7/Em/Em
Double Bass Newbie Theory Question about A7 Arpeggio
Mar 16, 2002 · Learning that your example is a jazz-style backing track makes a lot of sense. Secondary dominants are very common in the jazz style. If you want to take this concept to the next logical step, try changing Dmin7 to D7, so the progression goes like this: D7 - G7 - CMaj7 - …
Cmaj7 arpeggio | Page 3 - TalkBass.com
Jun 2, 2020 · B7 and F7 are not Maj7 chords so what I posted wouldn't apply. Then there is also the concept of the passing tone. I apologize for misunderstanding. I thought you meant CMaj, not CMaj7. If the composer has specified CMaj7 then in that case you are right to play B natural instead of B flat.
Key center question - TalkBass.com
May 23, 2005 · |Cmaj7 Dm7|Em7(b5) A7|Dm7|G7| that way, the Em7(b5) A7 is a true resolution to Dmin (and you can the use the D harmonic minor over the entire E-7 A7) - but the trouble arises when the D-7 chord is thought of as a II chord in CMajor - again, it depends on when the rest of the band decides to change key (or, said better, select voicings that ...
Maj7add9 - TalkBass.com
Apr 2, 2013 · Cmaj7 is: CEGB Cmaj9 is: CEGBD C(add9) is: CEGD The C(add9) is the one where the 7th is not there ...