CLSU & SCM Unite for Tree Planting Activity
Jun 27, 2023 · More than 100 Narra seedlings were prepared and planted in Villa Isla - an identified ecotourism site within the city.
Campus Life - Central Luzon State University
CLSU has a dynamic and unique community and a lush and eco-friendly environment that will inspire and bring you comfort. The big bulk of trees will provide you shed when it's sunny. The buildings and state-of-the-art facilities will give you a different level of modernization.
SDG 13-21 – ICCEM
Each student will plant a native tree species around the university; it is symbolic yet helpful for the reduction of GHG emission. The researchers in CLSU created a low-cost biogas digester which can replace the LPG tanks.
ANNOUNCEMENT! TO ALL CS... - CLSU - College of Science
The CLSU Tree Planting Coordinator will be submitting the names of candidates for graduation that have complied for tree planting to the Office of Admission, OVPAA and Office of the President on June 25, 2021.
Lingap Kalikasan – #WhereInCLSU - WordPress.com
Lingap Kalikasan Park or so called “Little Baguio of CLSU” is one of the emblems of the university. A highly preserve sanctuary for many species of trees and animals. Various kinds of plants, trees and flowers, benches around the park were usually occupied.
NUEVA ECIJA | Central Luzon State University and ... - Lonely …
Dec 22, 2017 · The whole campus is covered by trees and lush vegetation all over. CLSU has its own Sunken Garden. According to its website, CLSU is one of the premier institutions of agriculture in Southeast Asia and known for its breakthrough researches in aquatic culture (pioneer in the sex reversal of tilapia), ruminant, crops, orchard, and water ...
This Zen Garden Lets Visitors Exhale Their Stresses Away
Feb 13, 2023 · The Zen Garden at CLSU is a perfect fit for the vast campus. By its entrance, a big torii gate stands. Beyond that, Japanese rock garden formations and a few flower trees await its guests.
TREE Planting Benefits ROTC.pdf - CLSU-ROTC UNIT TREE...
Oct 4, 2018 · Excess carbon dioxide (CO2) is building up in our atmosphere, contributing to climate change. Trees absorb CO2, removing and storing the carbon while releasing oxygen back into the air. In one year, an acre of mature trees absorbs the same amount of CO2 produced when you drive your car 26,000 miles. 2. Trees clean the air. 3.
Central Luzon State University | A Day in the Life of UBAP
82 likes, 0 comments - clsu.official on February 5, 2025: "A Day in the Life of UBAP Labourers Did you know that CLSU is home to 2,980 mango trees and 171 calamansi trees? These are part of the University’s Income Generating Project through the Business Affairs Program, contributing to sustainability and resource development.
GUIDELINES FOR TREE... - CLSU - College of Engineering - Facebook
Jan 31, 2021 · guidelines for tree planting activity for graduating students 1st sem 20-21