How To Clean Vinyl Records - Discogs
Cleaning Solution Recommendations. Many collectors debate which vinyl record cleaning solution works best and which ones to avoid. You have many options to choose from. One option is VPI record cleaning fluid. Another is the soapy mixture used by the Library of Congress. You can also use Dawn dish soap, preferably the blue kind, mixed with water.
Discogs Groups - What NOT to clean records with
Never use alcohol-based cleaners on Shellac (78s) - it will discolour the record, turning it grey. I've heard dilute shower gel is quite good for cleaning Shellac though. Had a friend a few years back that used his VPI vacuum extraction record cleaning machine with a mixture of isopropyl alcohol & distilled water as his cleaning solution.
A Side-by-Side Test of the Best Vinyl Record Cleaners - Discogs
Score: 4/5 if manually cleaning just a few records but 4.5/5 if you have a machine or a bunch of records to clean. Summary: An incredibly effective cleaner. Better for vinyl record cleaning machines than hand washes. I initially wanted to test the Library of Congress-approved mixture of deionized water and .5% Tergitol 15-S-7. I quickly learned ...
Discogs Groups - Isopropyl safe to use?
The main issue with cleaning of records is lifting the dirt out. I use IPA isopropanol with distilled water 1:4 mix with few drops of kodak fotoflo to thin the liquid further. Yes it is a harsh way of cleaning records and CAN cause a reaction by warping the record if …
4 Best Record Cleaning Machines | Discogs Digs
Pro-Ject VC-E Record Cleaning Machine. This wet/dry cleaning system is for the record collector who is ready to really invest in the cleanliness of their collection. Don’t let this machine’s compact size fool you. The highly efficient Pro-Ject VC-E features a powerful metal vacuum arm that will clean and dry your records within a matter of ...
Discogs Forum - Cleaning Records
Ultrasonic cleaning is cumbersome. Records on the shelf for years or your fav listening, sonic KILLS all grooves of dirt and grime. Some claim it is helpful with virgin new records to eliminate production residue and bacterial treatments. Ultrasonic/vacuum is for me the most effective record cleaning process.
Discogs Forum - Cleaning Shellac & Acetate 78rpm Records
Then, with the cleaning solution in a spray bottle, you spray a coating of cleaner onto the record thoroughly enough to coat the entire record, and allow the cleaning solution to sit for 2-5 minutes to loosen and help lift dust and particulates. Then you wipe the record in the direction of the grooves using a record-cleaning brush.
Record cleaning solution that actually improves the sound?
You can add a "splash" of Isopropyl alcohol- nothing less than 91%- 99% is better. Don't use much as the alcohol can damage the plastic/styrene in your records. If you can afford to buy some, get tergikleen thru Amazon. They use it for the Library of Congress Recordings to clean their records. Always rinse with distilled water as well.
Discogs Forum - Cleaning vinyl with baby wipes
But, wiping (smearing), even when using this solution, forces microscopic dirt further into the grooves, it's not the best way to go about cleaning records. A vacuum based cleaner is the only way to lift of all the crap, preferably a Keith Monks or …
Discogs Forum - The best way to clean vinyl
The only thing I have ever used is Mr Sheen furniture polish and a duster. It is a cheap 'n easy way to do it, but other people will recommend cleaning with water, iso-propol alcohol, or if you have a lot of records to clean - and the money to buy one, you can get a vinyl cleaning machine.