Cintamani - Wikipedia
By reciting the Dharani (small hymn) of Cintamani, Buddhist tradition maintains that one attains the Wisdom of Buddha, able to understand the truth of the Buddha, and turn afflictions into Bodhi. It is said to allow one to see the Holy Retinue of Amitabha and assembly upon one's deathbed.
The Cintamani Stone - Tibetan Buddhist Encyclopedia
The Cintamani Stone (or Chintamani Stone) is a legendary artifact of Buddhist and Hindu mythology, a “wish-fulfilling gem of extraordinary power. According to Buddhist legend, it fell from the stars and landed in Tibet, where the ancient Buddhists revered it as a spiritual jewel.
The Cintamani Stone - A Truly Powerful Gem or a Humble …
The Cintamani Stone, or Chintamani, long sought by treasure hunters, has captured the imagination of man through the ages as tales of this wish-fulfilling jewel have spread around the world. The legends possibly originated in Hindu and Buddhist traditions , although it is thought to be the equivalent of the philosopher's stone in Western alchemy.
Cintamani - Tibetan Buddhist Encyclopedia
cintamani: Magical or wish-fulfilling jewel which spontaneously provides its owner with whatever he wishes for including wealth, healing of illness, etc. It is also used as a symbolic image for the activities of buddhas and bodhisattvas or the Buddha-dharma and its marvelous powers .
The Cintamani Stone – A Truly Powerful Gem or a Humble …
Apr 22, 2020 · The Cintamani Stone, or Chintamani, long sought by treasure hunters, has captured the imagination of man through the ages as tales of this wish-fulfilling jewel have spread around the world.
Cintamani is a sacred stone which came from the Sirius star system. Millions of years ago, during a Galactic superwave, a planet orbiting Sirius A exploded. Its fragments traveled in all directions, some of them reaching Earth after a long journey through interstellar space.
Cintāmaṇi - Encyclopedia of Buddhism
cintāmaṇi (T. yid bzhin nor bu; C. ruyi baozhu 如意寶珠). Translated as “wish-fulfilling gem”, "wish-fulfilling jewel", etc. A gem which grants the fulfillment of all one could desire.
Cintamani Stone | The Wish Fulfilling Jewel - Culture Exchange
Feb 5, 2025 · The Cintamani (also known as chintamani) is one such widespread symbol. The word itself – made up of two words, “cinta” and “mani” – means “wish-fulfilling jewel”. Its Western equivalent could be considered the “philosopher’s stone” that medieval alchemists wrote about and searched for.
The Cintamani Stone: The Mythical Jewel of Enlightenment
Nov 5, 2024 · The Cintamani Stone, often referred to as the “wish-fulfilling gem,” is a mythical object deeply embedded in various spiritual and religious traditions. This enchanted jewel is said to possess the power to grant wishes, provide enlightenment, and …
The Cintamani Stone: A Magical Jewel from the Stars? - Stranger …
Feb 20, 2012 · The Cintamani Stone (or Chintamani Stone) is a legendary artifact of Buddhist and Hindu mythology, a “wish-fulfilling” gem of extraordinary power. According to Buddhist legend, it fell from the stars and landed in Tibet, where the ancient Buddhists revered it as a spiritual jewel.