What is the C equivalent to the C++ cin statement?
Sep 16, 2010 · There is no close equivalent to cin in C. C++ is an object oriented language and cin uses many of its features (object-orientation, templates, operator overloading) which are not available on C. However, you can read things in C using the C standard library, you can look at the relevant part here (cstdio reference).
C++ to C#: cin to Console.Read - Stack Overflow
Nov 23, 2011 · You could use this C# std::cin class written by Svetlin Nakov which behaves like std::cin in C++ and java.util.Scanner. It can read numbers, ints, doubles, decimals and string tokens from the console, just like cin >> a >> b in C++.
c++ - Safely prompt for yes/no with cin - Stack Overflow
May 23, 2017 · I'm in an intro to C++ class and I was wondering of a better method of checking if input was the desired type. Is this a good way of doing this? I come from a PHP/PERL background which makes me r...
How to read a complete line from the user using cin?
Cin only gets input for 1 word. In order to get input for a sentence, you need to use a getLine(cin, y) in order to get a sentence of input. You can also make multiple variables for each word and then tyou use cin to get the input like this cin >> response1, response2, response3, response3, etc;.
c++ - How does cin work? - Stack Overflow
Apr 28, 2016 · char c; cin >> c; cout << c; cin >> c; cout << c; and wrote to the console ab, the pressed enter. So I got ab at the next line. But I can't understand how it works. Before pressing enter the program doesn't read anything, right? After pressing, it reads a, save it to char c, then reads char c, writes a to the console. It's OK.
What are the rules of the std::cin object in C++?
Apr 30, 2009 · What is happening here is that std::cin >> firstName; only reads up to but not including the first whitespace character, which includes the newline (or '\n') when you press enter, so when it gets to getline(std::cin, articleTitle);, '\n' is still the next character in std::cin, and getline() returns immediately.
c++ - Can you use "cin" with string? - Stack Overflow
Aug 21, 2020 · You can indeed use something like. std::string name; std::cin >> name; but the reading from the stream will stop on the first white space, so a name of the form "Bathsheba Everdene" will stop just after "Bathsheba".
c++ - What is cin.peek, and what does it do? - Stack Overflow
Nov 23, 2018 · the 'peek' function on input streams (in your case cin) retrieves the next character from the stream without actually consuming it. That means that you can "preview" the next character in the input, and on the next call to any consuming operation (overloaded operator >> or cin.read) will read that character and consume it.
c++ - Multiple inputs on one line - Stack Overflow
Yes, you can input multiple items from cin, using exactly the syntax you describe. The result is essentially identical to: cin >> a; cin >> b; cin >> c; This is due to a technique called "operator chaining". Each call to operator>>(istream&, T) (where T is some arbitrary type) returns a reference to its first argument.
Good input validation loop using cin - C++ - Stack Overflow
Nov 11, 2014 · I'm in my second OOP class, and my first class was taught in C#, so I'm new to C++ and currently I am practicing input validation using cin. So here's my question: Is this loop I constructed a pre...