Cimbri - Wikipedia
The Cimbri (Greek: Κίμβροι, Kímbroi; Latin: Cimbri) were an ancient tribe in Europe. Ancient authors described them variously as a Celtic , Gaulish , Germanic , or even Cimmerian people. …
Cimbrian War - Wikipedia
The Cimbri initially set about complying peacefully with Rome's demands, but soon discovered that Carbo had laid an ambush against them. Infuriated by this treachery, they attacked and, at …
Cimbri - World History Encyclopedia
Jan 14, 2020 · The Cimbri were a tribe who lived in northern Jutland during the Roman era. Their ethnicity is enigmatic; scholars generally believe that the Cimbri were Germans, though others …
Cimbri | Germanic Tribe, Iron Age, Migration | Britannica
Cimbri, a Germanic tribe whose military incursion into Roman Italy was thrust back in 101 bc. Forced out of what is now Denmark by overpopulation and the encroaching sea, the Cimbri …
Cimmerians - Wikipedia
Since the Cimmerians and Cimbri had similar names, and they were also both perceived by the Graeco-Romans as ferocious and barbarian peoples who caused death and destruction, the …
Heritage History - Products
The Cimbri, and Teutones, were two Germanic tribes who were thought to have left their homeland in Jutland, possibly due to flooding. They were several hundred thousand strong …
CIMBRI Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of CIMBRI is a probably Celtic or Teutonic people that invaded Italy and were destroyed by the Romans in 101 b.c..
Cimbri | EBSCO Research Starters
The Cimbri were a Germanic tribe originating from northern Jutland, an area now known as Himmerland in modern Denmark. In the late second century BC, the Cimbri, facing …
Cimbri (Chimbri) - World history
He defeated the Teutones at present-day Aix-en-Provence in southeastern France in 102 B. C.E., and the Cimbri near Vercellae (modern Vercelli) in present-day northwestern Italy in 101 B. …
Cimbri - Hrvatska enciklopedija
Cimbri ili Kimbri (lat. Cimbri), germansko pleme naseljeno u antičko doba u sjevernom dijelu Jütlanda. Iselivši se odanle potkraj II. st. pr. Kr., krenuli su prema jugu i prodrli na teritorij …