Chirality - Wikipedia
An object or a system is chiral if it is distinguishable from its mirror image; that is, it cannot be superposed (not to be confused with superimposed) onto it. Conversely, a mirror image of an achiral object, such as a sphere, cannot be distinguished from the object.
手性 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
如果某物体与其镜像不同,则其被称为“手性的(英语:chiral)”,且其镜像是不能与原物体重合的,就如同左手和右手互为镜像而无法叠合。 手性物体与其镜像被称为 对映体 (enantiomorph,希腊语意为“相对/相反形式”);在有关分子概念的引用中也被称为 ...
5.1: Chiral Molecules - Chemistry LibreTexts
The term chiral, from the Greek work for 'hand', refers to anything which cannot be superimposed on its own mirror image. Certain organic molecules are chiral meaning that they are not superimposable on their mirror image.
Chirality (chemistry) - Wikipedia
Two enantiomers of a generic amino acid that are chiral (S)-Alanine (left) and (R)-alanine (right) in zwitterionic form at neutral pH. In chemistry, a molecule or ion is called chiral (/ ˈ k aɪ r əl /) if it cannot be superposed on its mirror image by any combination of rotations, translations, and some conformational changes.
手・性(Chirality) - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
如果某物体与其镜像不同,则其被称为“手性的(chiral)”,且其镜像不能与原物体重合,就如同左手和右手互为镜像而无法叠合。 手性物体与其镜像被称为 对映体 (enantiomer,希腊语意为“相对/相反形式”);可与其镜像叠合的物体被称为 非手性的 (achiral ...
手性化合物 - 百度百科
手性化合物(chiral compounds)是指分子量、分子结构相同,但左右排列相反,如实物与其镜中的映体。 人的左右手、结构相同,大拇指至小指的次序也相同,但顺序不同,左手是由左向右,右手则是由右向左,所以叫做“手性”。
chiral是什么意思_chiral的翻译_音标_读音_用法_例句_爱词霸在线 …
chiral - 搜索 词典
必应词典为您提供chiral的释义,美['tʃɪrəl],英['tʃɪrəl],adj. 〔化〕手性; 网络释义: 手性的;手征;对掌性; 搜索优化 网页
chiral - 百度百科
4.2: Chiral and Achiral Molecules - Chemistry LibreTexts
Chirality essentially means 'mirror-image, non-superimposable molecules', and to say that a molecule is chiral is to say that its mirror image (it must have one) is not the same as it self. Whether a molecule is chiral or achiral depends upon a certain set of overlapping conditions.