Charles B. Lewis Co.
Charles B. Lewis Co. We are proud of the success of our cargo lift systems, and believe it is due to the combination of sound, innovative design and quality manufacturing. We have proven our ability to provide products that satisfy our customers needs.
About Charles B. Lewis Co. - cblco.com
At Charles B. Lewis Co. we are proud of the success of our cargo lift systems, and believe it is due to the combination of sound, innovative design, and quality manufacturing. We have proven our ability to provide products that satisfy our customer's needs.
CBL-5WS & CBL-7WS Cargo Hooks | Charles B. Lewis Co.
CBL-5WS & 7WS Cargo Hooks are powered release hooks specifically designed for use with synthetic web slings up to 4 inches wide, making possible the semi-automatic handling of cargoes such as lumber, plywood and particle board.
CBL-3L Parts | Charles B. Lewis Co. - cblco.com
CHARLES B. LEWIS CO. Home About. Products. Parts. Documentation. Contact. CBL-3L Parts. 10002 CBL-3L Hook Pin. 10004 CBL-3L Latch Spring. 10007 CBL-3L Cap Pin. 10118 CBL-3L Bushing. 10119 CBL-3L Bushing lock Screw. 10138 CBL-3L Piston Spring. 20003 CBL-3L Piston. 20178 CBL-3L Hook. 20179 CBL-3L Latch.
CBL-3L Cargo Hooks | Charles B. Lewis Co. - cblco.com
CBL-3L Cargo Hooks are a powered release design for use on unitized cargo. Quick, positive manual hookup to standard or irregular loads is easily accomplished. Capable of accepting both flat or round strapping, the spring-loaded retention latch positively retains the strap or cable. Once the load is stowed or landed, the hook is released by …
Contact | Charles B. Lewis Co. - cblco.com
Contact Info. Sales Manager Jim Hertel. Phone: 503-694-5670 Email: [email protected]
CBL-5WS Parts | Charles B. Lewis Co. - cblco.com
Charles B. Lewis Co. 50001 Complete Web Sling Hook. 61301 Lock Pin
Apr 15, 2024 · Charles B. Lewis Co. Forest Grove, OR 97106 USA Phone: 503-694-5670 Email: [email protected] Table of Contents 1 Overview .....2 2 View of CBL-3L Hook Assembly (with RFID puck shown in blue) .....2
Feb 15, 2023 · This document has been completed in accordance with the requirements of Charles B. Lewis Company. MANAGEMENT CERTIFICATION - Please check the appropriate statement.
RFID-instructiehandleiding: CBL-3L Rev B 01/16/2025 Pagina 2van 6 1 Overzicht • Deze RFID-instructiehandleiding is bedoeld als hulpmiddel om consistent schrijven en lezen van de RFID-puck in een CBL-3L-vrachtliftsysteem (ook wel CBL …