Shango - Wikipedia
Shango (Yoruba language: Ṣàngó, also known as Changó or Xangô in Latin America; as Jakuta or Badé; and as Ṣangó in Trinidad Orisha [1]) is an Orisha (or spirit) in Yoruba religion. …
Chango - Santeria Church of the Orishas
Chango is a powerful sorcerer who crafts indomitable spells in his Odó (mortar) including the magic that allows him to spit fire. Chango makes his residence at the top of the royal palm …
Chango Interior & Architectural Design Studio
Chango & Co. is a full-service residential design studio. We build beautiful homes for nice people with open minds. We combine a heavy dose of personality with decades of experience to …
Changó, Sàngó, Xangô is the Yoruba Orisha of the Drum
Nov 24, 2023 · Changó (also Xangô, Sàngó or Santa Barbara) is the Yoruba orisha of music, drumming, and dancing, but also of thunder, lightning, and war. These days, we focus on the …
Changó - AboutSanteria
Changó (Shangó) is the owner of fire, lightening, thunder, and war, but he is also the patron of music, drumming, and dancing. He represents male beauty and virility, passion and power. His …
Changó (Xango, Shango) – HoodooWitch
Changó was a royal ancestor of the Yoruba as he was the third king of the Oyo Kingdom and was deified after his death. According to Yoruba and Vodou belief systems, Changó hurls bolts of …
Shango: Orisha of Justice and Protection - Original Botanica
Feb 23, 2023 · Shango, also called Chango, Sango, or Xango, is a powerful African god who is revered as an Orisha after his death. Originally from the Yoruba people of Nigeria and Benin, …
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