Big fish, big fun: catfish are the Snake River's overlooked bounty
May 24, 2018 · Catfish are also available in many of the Snake River’s tributaries, including the Weiser, Payette and Boise Rivers, typically in the lower stretches. And these catfish aren’t the little bullheads many people are familiar with catching. Channel cats average about 4 to 6 pounds and lots of them range above 10 pounds.
Catfish a plenty in the Snake River [video] - Idaho Fish and Game
Jun 9, 2018 · Catfish are well distributed throughout Southwest Idaho, but here are some favorite places where anglers can target them: Steck Park: Located northwest of Weiser on the Snake River Fort Boise Wildlife Management Area: Located near Parma, there are several access points to the Snake River and Lower Boise River and nearby islands where catfish ...
Ictalurus punctatus (Channel Catfish) - Idaho Fish and Game
Channel Catfish, Catfish, Graceful Catfish Other Scientific Names Ictalurus punctatus, Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque, 1818), Ictalurus punetaus, Letalurus punetaus, Silurus punctatus
Nothing to be blue about, it's still a state-record catfish
Aug 9, 2022 · An angler’s chances of catching a blue catfish in Idaho remains slim, although it’s obviously possible. Most anglers are likely to catch channel catfish, which are still Idaho’s most common and widely distributed catfish. The Snake River and its reservoirs will likely continue to produce big catfish.
30,000 channel catfish stocked across Idaho’s lakes and reservoirs
Jul 21, 2020 · Channel catfish raised at a Magic Valley aquaculture business were recently stocked across Idaho to provide opportunity for anglers to catch these fish and put food on their tables. Stocking locations ranged from Lake Cocollala in northern Idaho to the Rexburg City Pond in eastern Idaho, with 18 lakes and reservoirs receiving catfish.
Catfish in western Oregon - Oregon Fishing Forum
Jun 9, 2022 · Caught from Santee-Cooper Reservoir, South Carolina, on 07-7-1964, I'm pretty sure a 50 Lb catfish, particularly a channel catfish would have really raised some eyebrows. Now a Blue catfish that size or even a flathead (Which is all but impossible to mistake for a Channel) would be a big fish but not that rare in some places.
Another state record falls with monster catfish from C.J. Strike ...
Jul 25, 2022 · Before releasing the huge catfish back into the reservoir, Paul used a digital scale to weigh the fish at 37 lbs. While this fish will earn a Catch-and-Release Record, the fish was easily large enough to beat the current 32.9-pound Certified Weight Record set only a few weeks ago by Cody Kastner, also from C.J. Strike Reservoir!
Catfish fishing around Eugene - Oregon Fishing Forum
Jul 9, 2008 · Several species of catfish inhabit Oregon's waters. The most common catfish in Western oregon is the Brown Bullhead, and they have no trouble spawning. They don't get very big, maybe 15 inches? However, Channel Catfish are a whole different breed of cat. The state record for a Channel is around 36 pounds. Big.
Record Fish in Idaho - Idaho Fish and Game
From two catfish records broken less than three weeks apart (by the same angler) to one of the “smallest” state record fish ever caught in Idaho, it’s time to wrap up the top “big fish” stories from 2024. Making the cut this year are the following angler trophy stories.
Do Bass Feed On Baby Catfish? - General Bass Fishing Forum
Jul 11, 2013 · One is a nice 2-3 acre pond that is chocked full of small LM bass (with some 4lb+ mixed in), large 5lb+ catfish, and large bluegill. The other pond is about 1/2-3/4 of an acre and has big carp and is probably overloaded with catfish. We see schools of probably 100 or so fingerling catfish swimming on the surface throughout the day.