Caterpillar | Caterpillar Inc
Caterpillar is the world’s leading manufacturer of construction and mining equipment, diesel and natural gas engines, industrial turbines and diesel-electric locomotives.
Caterpillar | Cat® Products, Parts, Services, Technology and …
Find a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Caterpillar and our brands. Answers include investor information.
Caterpillar | Company | About Caterpillar
With 2024 sales and revenues of $64.8 billion, Caterpillar Inc. is the world’s leading manufacturer of construction and mining equipment, off-highway diesel and natural gas engines, industrial gas turbines and diesel-electric locomotives.
Caterpillar | Caterpillar Inc
A Caterpillar é a fabricante líder mundial de equipamentos para construção e mineração, motores a gás natural e diesel, turbinas industriais e locomotivas elétricas a diesel.
Caterpillar Inc. - Overview
Caterpillar does business on every continent, principally operating through three primary segments – Construction Industries, Resource Industries and Energy & Transportation – and providing financing and related services through our Financial Products segment.
Caterpillar | Caterpillar, Inc.
Caterpillar ist der weltweit führende Hersteller von Bau- und Bergbaumaschinen, Diesel- und Erdgasmotoren, industriellen Turbinen und dieselelektrischen Lokomotiven.
Build What Matters - Caterpillar Careers
At Caterpillar, you build what matters—whether it’s the career you want, crucial work skills, strong relationships or new digital technologies. There are big jobs to be done worldwide—building critical infrastructure, bolstering local economies, meeting the demand for energy—and that work is powered by our people.
Caterpillar | Caterpillar Inc
Caterpillar 是建筑机械、采矿设备、柴油和天然气发动机、工业用涡轮机以及柴油电动机车领域的全球领先制造商。
Caterpillar | Caterpillar 100 周年
1925 年,他们将各自的优势和业务结合在一起,成立了 Caterpillar Tractor Company,最初仅推出面向农业应用的五种型号。 从这些不起眼的发明创造开始,我们发展成为全球卓越的建筑机械、采矿设备、非道路用柴油和燃气发动机、工业用燃气涡轮以及柴电机车制造商。
Brands - Caterpillar
Caterpillar Inc. has a portfolio of brands offering machines, engines, components, services and solutions to meet the unique needs of a variety of industries and customers around the world. The Caterpillar brand represents the whole corporation and our people.
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