The CAT-MH® - Validated Mental Health Measurement for Adults
The CAT-MH ® is a suite of measures validated for depression, anxiety, mania/hypomania, substance use disorder, psychosis, PTSD, social determinants of health, adult ADHD, and suicidality. Our browser-based clinician portal makes it simple to create a custom selection of test types and notification settings to meet your organization’s needs.
Mycoplasma haemominutum - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Mycoplasma haemofelis (Mhf), “Candidatus Mycoplasma haemominutum ” (Mhm), and “ Candidatus M. turicensis” (Mtc) all can be found in cats. In experimentally infected cats, Mhf is apparently more pathogenic than Mhm.
Flea-Associated Diseases in the Cat: Update on the Diagnosis and ...
In a recent study, we collected fleas from cats and attempted to amplify hemoplasma DNA from flea digests as well as the blood of the cat. The prevalence rates for Mhf in cats and their fleas were 7.6% and 2.2%, respectively.
The CAT-MH® Can Measure Many Mental Health Conditions
The CAT-MH® is validated for measurement of depression, anxiety, mania/hypomania, substance use disorder, psychosis, PTSD, SDoH, adult ADHD, and suicidality. The CAT-MH™ has been validated and is available via our browser-based clinical portal or API.
Attempted transmission of Candidatus Mycoplasma haemominutum …
Mar 1, 2006 · Objective —To determine whether Mycoplasma haemofelis (Mhf) and Candidatus Mycoplasma haemominutum (Mhm) can be transmitted by ingestion of Mycoplasma -infected Ctenocephalides felis and by-products (feces, larvae, and eggs). Animals —10 cats. Procedure —3 cats were carriers of Mhf, and 1 was a carrier of Mhm.
Home of the CAT-MH® and K-CAT® for Mental Health …
We are the licensor of the CAT-MH® and K-CAT®, validated and comprehensive IRT-based adaptive measures for depression, suicide, anxiety, PTSD, ADHD, and more. Creater of the CAT-MH™ and K-CAT™, the only validated adaptive behavioral health measures in the world.
Evaluation of experimental transmission of Candidatus Mycoplasma …
Jun 1, 2005 · Cats were monitored daily for clinical signs and weekly via CBC and PCR assay for infection with Mhf or Mhm for a minimum of 8 weeks. Results—Uptake of Mhf and Mhm DNA into fleas, feces, and, potentially, eggs and larvae was detected.
Prevalence of Vector-Borne Pathogens in Reproductive and Non ...
Overall, hemotropic Mycoplasma spp. (hMyco) DNA was qPCR amplified from one or more tissues from 12 of 73 cats (16%). Mhm was amplified from 11 cats, Mhf was amplified from four cats, and Mtc from one cat . Based on qPCR, two cats were coinfected with Mhm and Mhf and one cat was coinfected with Mhm, Mhf, and Mtc; all cats coinfected with ...
Attempted transmission of Candidatus Mycoplasma …
Objective: To determine whether Mycoplasma haemofelis (Mhf) and Candidatus Mycoplasma haemominutum (Mhm) can be transmitted by ingestion of Mycoplasma-infected Ctenocephalides felis and by-products (feces, larvae, and eggs). Animals: 10 cats. Procedure: 3 cats were carriers of Mhf, and 1 was a carrier of Mhm.
Survival of Mycoplasma haemofelis and 'Candidatus Mycoplasma ...
The results provide evidence that transmission of hemoplasmas to naïve cats occurs after administration of infected feline blood that has been stored in CPDA-1 solution for 1h (Mhf) and 1 week (Mhm).