330 hp Caterpillar Power? - iRV2 Forums
Jun 28, 2018 · I have a cat c7 330, don't know if all is the same for yours. Need to check when the power comes on for yours for my c7 its 1900 to 2400 rpm . You need to be in the correct gear to keep it in the power range. Empty my weight is 25,000 I have no problem pulling 5 % grade at 70
Cat 330 Overheating - iRV2 Forums
Nov 11, 2020 · Did overheating Damage my 330 Cat Engine: p00ches: Winnebago Industries Owner's Forum: 9: 07-28-2011 08:20 PM: Overheating problem - 330 Cummins: Spooky: Winnebago Industries Owner's Forum: 14: 02-13-2008 11:04 AM: Cummins 330 Overheating Issue: Spooky: Freightliner Motorhome Chassis Forum: 4: 02-11-2008 07:08 PM: Overheating Issue on 330 ...
Cat 330 under powered diesel? - iRV2 Forums
Jul 23, 2015 · I have a 38' HR towing a Honda CRV with a CAT 330. I recently completed a 3500 mile trip around Lake Superior and did not find the power inadequate. On a few of the grades I was down to 50 mph, but the top of the climb came soon enough. The engine temperature was always on the low side, which would be my main concern with "underpowered".
Cat 330 losing power underway, and on hills - iRV2 Forums
Sep 25, 2020 · I have the 2003 Cat 330- when I takeoff, I can hear the turbo going, and I have plenty of power to accelerate through the gears. However, while I’m underway and trying to accelerate, or going uphill, it doesn’t seem to have the power. It decelerates up the hills. It does downshift, but there is nothing behind the downshifts.
Cat 330 Coolant change - iRV2 Forums
Oct 9, 2007 · 330 cat 3126 with a rear radiator in an 01 UA 40J John 10-08-2007, 03:25 PM skigramp. Senior Member . Join ...
Cat 330 losing power underway, and on hills - Page 2 - iRV2
Oct 2, 2020 · 330 Cat hard to start, idles rough,low power and will die: rhaydon: Caterpillar Engine Forum: 15: 10-14-2014 05:25 PM: losing speed on hills - diesel & fifth wheel: gtmatt: Trailer Towing and Tow Vehicles Discussion: 53: 02-07-2013 12:29 AM
Cat 330 or 350 (c7) power chip - iRV2 Forums
Oct 16, 2008 · I am having problems with overheating my Cat 330 when I am climbing any steep road. I already cleaned and inspected the cooling system and it seems to be in good working condition. I own a 2004 friendship g7, 42' with a cat 330 and 40KM. I town a lexus gx470 and the rig is very well load.
Cat 330 mileage? - iRV2 Forums
Jan 23, 2012 · In our Winnebago Ultimate 2000, 330 Cat.With next size larger Truck X green line tire 100 lbs air pressure. Tow car, .. I found by taking the RV tires off and Putting The 275x 22.5 Truck tire with 100lbs IT went up to 10. MPG.. At 65 MPH. Some will dissagree about the firm ride . That is OK.By me. It works for me;
Cat 330 oil filters etc. - iRV2 Forums
Jun 29, 2007 · Cat sells a really nice belt type filter wrench. All you 3126 guys--Cat has a new high efficiency oil filter to protect the HEUI system--Part Number 1R-1807, recomended for these engines. 2013 Winnebago Aspect 27K
Fuel mileage with 330 Cat - iRV2 Forums
May 18, 2015 · Cat 3126. 330 slight surging lights dim: Acephx: Caterpillar Engine Forum: 3: 11-19-2014 10:27 AM: 1978 Ford E350 Fuel issue. cptmiker: Ford Motorhome Chassis Forum: 16: 08-06-2014 06:33 AM: Cat 330 ignition problem: megehrs: Caterpillar Engine Forum: 8: 07-20-2014 02:41 PM: Single Fuel Filter w/o priming pump (long) LPD218: Freightliner ...