Playas y calas de Ibiza - Las mejores calas y playas de Ibiza
Para que no te vuelvas loco buscando tu cala ideal entre las más de 50 calas de Ibiza, aquí te presentamos nuestras opiniones y recomendaciones. Rodeadas por un entorno verde apenas urbanizado, Cala Salada y Cala Saladeta son dos de las playas mejor valoradas y más visitadas de toda Ibiza. Conócela.
Cala Comte - All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go (2025)
Cala Comte is one of the most beautiful beaches in Ibiza! The water is crystal clear, with incredible shades of blue and turquoise, making it perfect for swimming and snorkeling. The sandy shore is clean and offers breathtaking views, especially during sunset.
Top 16 best beaches in Ibiza - Lonely Planet
Mar 20, 2022 · A strictly protected nature reserve, Cala d’Hort feels like one of Ibiza’s most enticing slices of paradise. This golden southwest-coast strand seduces sun seekers with its knockout views of Es Vedrà , the spectacular mystery-wreathed outcrop looming offshore.
Cala Salada beach - Ibiza Spotlight
1 day ago · Surrounded by pine-forested hills, the small, protected sandy cove of Cala Salada is a favourite for residents and private boat owners. The water is beautifully clear, shallow and perfect for swimming, and the sea bed mostly soft sand.
Cala Salada & Cala Saladeta - Two of Ibiza's most beautiful coves
Surrounded by lush unspoilt nature, Cala Salada and its neighbour, Cala Salada, are two of the most popular coves in Ibiza thanks to their golden sands and crystalline turquoise waters.
32 Mejores PLAYAS de Ibiza y CALAS de IBIZA + MAPA y fotos
Jun 23, 2023 · Una guía con el mapa de las mejores playas de Ibiza y con las calas de Ibiza más bonitas. También incluyo fotos de las calas y playas y cuadro comparativo con detalles de cada cala e información de cómo llegar a cada una de ellas.
Beaches & Coves - The best beaches and coves in Ibiza - Introducing Ibiza
Besides its electric nightlife, Ibiza is also famous for its spectacular beaches and coves. Find your ideal beach among our top picks. Surrounded by lush unspoilt nature, Cala Salada and its neighbour, Cala Salada, are two of the most popular coves in Ibiza. Discover them.
Spiagge Più Belle di Ibiza: Le 15 Da Visitare Assolutamente
Mar 28, 2021 · Con Cala Benirràs, una delle spiagge di Ibiza nord che merita di certo una visita, abbiamo completato la nostra personale lista delle 5 spiagge più belle di Ibiza, ma siamo ben lontani dall’aver esaurito i nostri consigli. Partiamo quindi alla scoperta della seconda cinquina!
Cala Salada: A Hidden Gem of Ibiza’s Beauty
Jan 19, 2024 · In this comprehensive guide, we will dive deep into everything you need to know about Cala Salada Ibiza. From its crystal-clear waters to the hidden coves and local cuisine, we’ve got it all covered.
Las 15 mejores calas de Ibiza - minube
Descubre las calas más increíbles de Ibiza que te cautivarán con sus aguas cristalinas y paisajes de ensueño ideales para tu escapada perfecta.