Blue Cut Cajon Creek | TreasureNet.com
Aug 31, 2012 · Rawdog here, Let it be known there is gold in cajon creek. Blue cut is the main point of interest, although some have done ok in cajon creek upstream off swartmouth rd. My faithful and sturdy digging partner, Goldpaw has accompanied me to bluecut on several occasions. We were able to haul...
Cajon Creek? | TreasureNet.com
Aug 3, 2011 · Ace 250 (2), Ace 300, Gold Bug 2, Tesoro Cortes, Garrett Sea Hunter, Whites TDI SL SE, Fisher Impulse 8, Minelab Monster 1000, Minelab CTX3030, Falcon MD20, Garrett Pro-pointer, Calvin Bunker digger.
Gold panning in northern new brunswick. | TreasureNet.com
Locking for panning friends to share experience and panning tecniques in the Bathurst aeria. Rayhunt.
Underwater videos in a CA Sluice box on Cajon Creek
Sep 28, 2012 · Yeah Cajon never made us rich but its fun to play around and its close.. but for real gold you gotta get up to San Gabriel. We get flakes and mostlt fly poop @ Cajon, the black sand is so pervassive we bring pounds home each trip. One day Ill screen it down too like 80 or 100 and Im sure its holding good fines.. really fine :0 We always clean up to color but to us its a lot like coming home ...
Anyone check Cajon Creek after rain? - TreasureNet
Jan 26, 2017 · Has anyone checked out Cajon Creek after the latest storms?
Maybe Platinum in Cajon Creek - TreasureNet
Apr 11, 2017 · I was looking up some info on gold on San Fransisco beaches, and came across this U.S. Geological report:Occurrence of platinum in a black sand from a beach...
gold and mercury | TreasureNet The Original Treasure Hunting …
Aug 1, 2011 · I have some gold from one trip in a vial that also has some shinny bits of metal that I found along with the gold. My friend who sees better than me said that a few of them were shinny balls. If these balls were mercury, wouldn't they suck right onto the gold that is …
Dry washing in Cajon pass California | TreasureNet.com
Aug 6, 2015 · Mike , you might try working in the creek off the Langhorn exit. It's usually not as good as the pass but is a bit cooler. Also do a search on the Land Matters site in the Coolgardie, Holcom Valley and Cajon Pass areas . You might be pleasantly surprised at what is open to prospect. Might find something good enough to claim. G/L
your experience with flood gold - TreasureNet
Feb 12, 2017 · On Cajon Creek, after some good flooding there will be new deposits of flood gold. In the typical areas. One area I found that always had good gold was an inside bend the was covered with cat tails. Even a roaring flood would never tear out the cat tails because of their tough roots. And those same roots helped hold onto the gold.
Cajon pass any tips. | TreasureNet.com
Nov 17, 2008 · Heading up to the pass Thursday 2/26 to do some nugget shooting and check out the lower and upper tollgate sites. Maybe pick up some coins but my goal is nuggets. Could use some tips on Cleghorn Canyon and Crowder Canyon the old pass road from the 1800's. Also looking for the Chinese camp and...