Caesio - Wikipedia
Caesio is a genus of marine ray-finned fish, fusiliers belonging to the family Lutjanidae. They are native to the Indian Ocean and the western Pacific Ocean, although one species has invaded the eastern Mediterranean Sea through the Suez Canal by Lessepsian migration.
Caesio cuning - Wikipedia
Caesio cuning, the redbelly yellowtail fusilier, yellowtail fusilier, red-bellied fusilier or robust fusilier, is a species of marine ray-finned fish, a fusilier belonging to the family Caesionidae. It is native to the Indian and Western Pacific Oceans.
Caesio cuning, Redbelly yellowtail fusilier : fisheries - FishBase
Taken primarily by handline in Sri Lanka; caught mostly by fish traps in western Thailand and Malaysia; caught in trawls in the Gulf of Thailand; caught by a variety of methods including drive-in nets, fish traps and gill nets in Indonesia, the Philippines and Papua New Guinea.
Caesio caerulaurea, Blue and gold fusilier : fisheries, bait - FishBase
Adults are found in schools in deep lagoons and along seaward reefs in coastal areas (Ref. 9710), mixing with other species of fusiliers (Ref. 48636). Juveniles are used as tuna bait fish. They are oviparous, with small pelagic eggs (Ref. 402). Maximum depth reported taken from Ref. 128797.
Lunar fusilier - Wikipedia
The lunar fusilier (Caesio lunaris), also known as the blue fusilier or moon fusilier, is a species of marine ray-finned fish, a fusilier belonging to the family Caesionidae. It is widespread throughout the tropical waters of the Indo-West Pacific area.
Caesio caerulaurea - Facts, Diet, Habitat & Pictures on ... - Animalia
Caesio caerulaurea, the blue and gold fusilier, blue fusilier, gold-band fusilier or scissor-tailed fusilier, is a species of marine fish in the family Caesionidae. It is widespread throughout the tropical waters of the Indo-Pacific area, including the Red Sea.
Caesio cuning, Redbelly yellowtail fusilier : fisheries - FishBase
Taken primarily by handline in Sri Lanka; caught mostly by fish traps in western Thailand and Malaysia; caught in trawls in the Gulf of Thailand; caught by a variety of methods including drive-in nets, fish traps and gill nets in Indonesia, the Philippines and Papua New Guinea.
Caesio caerulaurea - Wikipedia
Caesio caerulaurea, the blue and gold fusilier (not to be confused with Caesio teres), blue fusilier, gold-band fusilier or scissor-tailed fusilier, is a species of marine fish in the family Caesionidae. It is widespread throughout the tropical waters of the Indo-Pacific area, including the Red Sea.
Caesio - Animalia
Caesio is a genus of marine ray-finned fish, fusiliers belonging to the family Caesionidae. They are native to the Indian Ocean and the western Pacific Ocean, although one species has invaded the eastern Mediterranean Sea through the Suez Canal by Lessepsian migration.
Caesio teres, Yellow and blueback fusilier : fisheries - FishBase
Adults are found primarily around coral reefs, with a preference for coralline lagoons. They feed on zooplankton in large midwater groups and form schools with other caesionids. Mature adults migrate to select areas around the reef to spawn near the surface in the entrances of deep channels during outgoing tides on a lunar cycle.