Shmoo sign | Radiology Reference Article - Radiopaedia.org
Dec 11, 2020 · Shmoo sign refers to the appearance of a prominent, rounded left ventricle and dilated aorta on a plain PA chest radiograph giving the appearance of Shmoo, a fictional cartoon character in the comic strip Li'l Abner, which first appeared in 1948 5.
Left ventricular enlargement | Radiology Reference Article ...
Sep 4, 2021 · Shmoo sign Echocardiography The parasternal long axis and apical four-chamber views on transthoracic echocardiography are often the primary views used to gain both a qualitative and quantitative appreciation of left ventricular enlargement.
Shmoo sign (annotated image) | Radiology Case - Radiopaedia.org
Shmoo sign refers to the configuration of the heart with left ventricular enlargement and dilated aorta on AP chest radiographs. The "Shmoo" is a fictional cartoon creature from Al Capp's Li'l Abner comic strip in the 1940s.
Shmoo sign - MEDizzy
Shmoo sign refers to the appearance of a prominent, rounded left ventricle and dilated aorta on a plain AP chest radiograph giving the appearance of Shmoo, a fictional cartoon character in the comic strip Li'l Abner, which first appeared in 1948.
CXR conditions pics only Flashcards - Quizlet
Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like aortic stenosis: dilated ascending aorta coming away from the stenotic aortic valve and shmoo (left ventricular hypertrophy), Aortic Stenosis: Calcified aortic valve, Descending aortic aneurysm and more.
Shmoo sign: This sign refers to appearance of prominent, rounded left ventricle and dilated aorta on a plain AP radiograph of chest giving the appearance of Shmoo, a fictional cartoon character in the comic strip Li'l Abner in the 1940s.
Top 30 Signs in Chest X-Ray - ECR 2017 EPOS
It is a normal finding in lateral chest x-ray, and refers to the gradual increased apparent radiolucency (blackness) of the vertebral bodies, when proceeding from upper to lower chest.
CXR Flashcards - Quizlet
Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Pulmonary venous congestion, Cephalisation of pulmonary veins, Pulmonary interstitial Edema and more.
Chest Radiography - Cardiology Flashcards - Quizlet
Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like When assessing a CXR, what is the mnemonic to remember the steps to assess everything?, What does the mnemonic ABCDEFG stand for when assessing a CXR?, What are you looking for in A - assessment and airway for a CXR? and more.
Left ventricular enlargement radiology | PPT - SlideShare
Jul 2, 2018 · Specific radiological signs include the "Shmoo sign" of a prominent rounded left ventricle and dilated aorta, and the "Hoffman-Rigler sign".