Understanding and Identifying CQB Shapes - YouTube
Jul 1, 2020 · Understanding and Identifying CQB shapes is the first step in CQB. Once this step has been accomplished, then we need to learn the procedure for each shape so we can deal with them in the...
CQB Education part 6 - Room's anatomy 2 (Guest Article)
Sep 8, 2015 · Not all rooms are made equal. There’s different shapes and sizes. Some are small, some medium, some large. This is termed short rooms and large rooms. That’s so easy I’m not even going to show you a diagram of it.
Room Anatomy - SPECTRE Task Force
Apr 23, 2024 · CQB is all about angles, by using the concepts we learned in the previous chapters we can then apply them to different and irregular rooms. Take a look at the diagrams below. In this diagram, a 4-man team has flowed into the room and is now addressing the current highest-priority threats: The open spaces.
Become a close-quarters combat master: Room anatomy (Part 1)
Apr 6, 2016 · For simplicity’s sake we will examine three simple structures: the box-shaped room, the linear room, and the L-shaped room. The box-shaped room can be simply called a box room....
In the realm of tactical operations, particularly in Close Quarters Battle (CQB), understanding the anatomy of a room and its geometric configurations is crucial for success. This knowledge not only enhances operational effectiveness but also ensures the …
CQB Education part 8 - Room's anatomy pt.4 - Project Gecko
Oct 29, 2015 · T-Intersection – A horizontal linear area off-shooting from a central structure/layout. This forms the shape of an alphabetical “T” letter. There are many more obstacles out there. These are just common ones that catch people off guard. Look around, see if you can find some! Think of solutions as to how you would deal with them.
CQB Education part 5 - Room's anatomy (Guest article)
Sep 3, 2015 · For simplicities sake we will examine three simple structures: the boxshaped room , the linear room and the Lshaped room . The boxshaped room can be simply called a box room. It is usually a square shaped room with four corners. This is the most common type of room we encounter within tactical training environments.
Understanding and Identifying CQB Shapes : r/CQB - Reddit
Jul 1, 2020 · Look at the "L" example on a centre-fed room, over-exposed in the centre of the door on the hallway wall. That has quite a few cons. Rooms have their own shapes like box, rectangular, linear/elongated, L-shape, so forth.
Close Quarter(s) Battle (CQB) - Reddit
As you are moving to the structure, you should note for any discrepancies or 'stand out' features such as size and shape of the building, door placement; estimated size and swing of the door (e.g. push or pull), general room shapes (e.g. L-shape, T-shape, U-shape, box/square, rectangle), patios, balconies, conservatories, wall obtrusions (e.g. o...
What are some solid hallway formations you guys use? : r/CQB
Jun 7, 2023 · This is an educational subreddit and community centered around Close Quarters Battle (CQB) or Combat (CQC). Interested in room clearing, tactical entry, combat and firefights? We have it all here.