Use Cases for Solo and Duo CQB | Orion Training Group, LLC
This brings us to how OTG teaches solo and duo movement. We focus on the basic CQB principles and fundamentals that are precipitated out of them.
Classes and training - Orion Training Group, LLC
7/18-20/2025 Baton Rouge LA Low Light Solo/Duo CQB (3 Day) $525.00 7/25-27/2025 Phoenix, AZ Solo/Duo CQB (3 day) $625.00 8/8-10/2025 Dallas, TX Low Light CQB Force on Force (3 …
7/18-20/2025 Baton Rouge LA Low Light Solo/Duo CQB (3 Day)
Course Focus: 1 and 2 man clearance of residential size structures. Course is principles based and not on any one doctrine of clearance. Students will start at the most basic repetition and …
Deliberate vs Dynamic CQB | TTPOA
This course will explain the major tactical differences between deliberate and dynamic CQB to help determine which method should be used for different types of law enforcement operations …
Two Person Close Quarters Battle Training (CQB)
Two Person Close Quarters Battle (CQB) online course for civilians and law enforcement. This training will teach you the fundamentals of how to move, fight, and survive as a two person …
Learn the latest tactics, techniques and procedures in structural clearance used by elite special operations forces. Our full spectrum CQB programs feature cutting edge training for military …
Close Quarter(s) Battle (CQB) - Reddit
Battles that occur in close quarters, such as within a room or hallway, must be planned and executed with care. Use room clearing techniques when the tactical situation calls for "room to …
Close quarters battle (cqb ).ppt - SlideShare
Aug 8, 2012 · This document outlines principles and tactics for close quarters battle (CQB). It discusses the 3 principles of CQB: speed, surprise, and violence of action. It also covers the 8 …
7/25-27/2025 Phoenix, AZ Solo/Duo CQB (3 day)
Course Focus: Searching structures solo or with a partner, while moving opposed (force-on-force) for maximum learning potential. Primary Instructor: Jason Ransome. Jared Arceneaux. This …
Close Quarters Combat Training - Green Eye Tactical
This course established the fundamentals level to progress on to advanced CQB, Home Defense, Active Shooter and more. The skills will be presented in a manner where all training systems …