The Delhi Ministerial Declaration on Climate Change and Sustainable Development. Development and transfer of technologies. Date and venue of the ninth session of the Conference of the Parties. Administrative and financial matters. Recommendation of the Subsidiary Body for Implementation.
2002 United Nations Climate Change Conference - Wikipedia
The 2002 United Nations Climate Change Conference took place from 23 October – 1 November 2002, in New Delhi, India. The conference included the 8th Conference of the Parties (COP8) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
Eighth session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 8), October 2002 The COP 8 took place from 23 October to 1 November 2002 in New Delhi, India. A...
Eighth session of the Conference of the Parties (COP8) to the …
The Conference of the Parties to the WHO Framework Convention for Tobacco Control (FCTC) yesterday closed its eighth session (COP8) after adopting a Medium-Term Strategic Framework (MTSF) outlining a new action plan to scale up the global …
COP8 - Wikipedia
The National Semiconductor COP8 is an 8-bit CISC core microcontroller. COP8 is an enhancement to the earlier COP400 4-bit microcontroller family. COP8 main features are: Free assembler toolchain. Commercial C compilers available.
United Nations Climate Change Conference - Wikipedia
Member states of the UNFCCC meet annually at the Conference of the Parties (COP) to assess progress in combating climate change. COP provides a platform for governments, NGOs, and the private sector to collaborate and determine strategies for global climate policy and action.
COP 8 - Documents - UNFCCC
Oct 18, 2002 · Daily programme for Friday, 1 November 2002 (COP8). FCCC/CP/2002/Misc.1: 21 Oct 2002: conference papers: Published: EN SP FR: Provisional list of participants (COP8). FCCC/CP/1999/1: 23 Aug 1999: agendas: Published: EN SP FR CH AR RU: Provisional agendas for the Conference of the Parties and its Subsidiary Bodies. Note by the Executive Secretary.
COP8 - Représentation permanente de la France
Cette réunion, organisée tous les deux ans par le secrétariat de la Convention cadre de la lutte anti-tabac (CCLAT), permet aux États parties à la convention de définir les orientations de mise en œuvre des principales mesures du traité, de discuter des avancements en matière de réduction du tabagisme et d’examiner les nouveaux enjeux.
CoP8 - Centre for Science and Environment
Governments from about 180 countries around the world converged in New Delhi for the Eighth Conference of Parties (CoP-8) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Government delegates as well as representatives from inter-governmental and non-governmental organisations, media and business attending the meet. See also.
Closing Ceremony of the Eight session of the Conference of the …
Oct 6, 2018 · As we come to the end of COP8, I would like to reflect on the advances we made. But before I move on to our accomplishments, I would like to note a few facts about the COP: with 148 Parties represented, we set a new record.