COMEDK | Karnataka Professional Colleges Foundation
Karnataka Professional Colleges Foundation, in their endeavour to offer an effective, fair and objective testing procedure to determine merit of students seeking admission to the member institutions, have formed “Consortium of Medical, Engineering and Dental Colleges of …
COMEDK | Karnataka Professional Colleges Foundation | About …
COMEDK is the “Consortium of Medical, Engineering and Dental Colleges of Karnataka” –An autonomous merit determination authority consisting of senior academicians and reputed administrative officers who have been associated with the educational eco system.
COMEDK since its inception in 2004-05 has been conducting the annual entrance exam for Undergraduate and Postgraduate courses in the participating institutions and has also been organizing single window centralized counseling process over the last 20+ years. In all these years, the efforts of COMEDK have been appreciated by all the Government
Karnataka Professional Colleges Foundation | How to Apply
“Consortium of Medical, Engineering and Dental Colleges of Karnataka” Privacy Policy. www.comedk.org is the only official website of COMEDK.
Karnataka Professional Colleges Foundation | About Exam
COMEDK is the “Consortium of Medical, Engineering and Dental Colleges of Karnataka” – an autonomous merit determination authority consisting of senior academicians and reputed administrative officers who have been associated in educational eco system.
Karnataka Professional Colleges Foundation - COMEDK
Karnataka Professional Colleges Foundation, in their endeavour to offer an effective, fair and objective testing procedure to determine merit of students seeking admission to the member institutions, have formed “Consortium of Medical, Engineering and Dental Colleges of …
To this effect, KUPECA has issued a mandate to COMEDK to conduct its Under Graduate Entrance Test (UGET – 2025) for admission to Engineering courses for member institutions/Universities participating in the said
Engineering Colleges - COMEDK
“Consortium of Medical, Engineering and Dental Colleges of Karnataka” Privacy Policy. www.comedk.org is the only official website of COMEDK.
Karnataka Professional Colleges Foundation - COMEDK
Revised Final COMEDK Engineering Seat Availability and Fee. Notified on 10.07.2024 Read More... Final COMEDK Engineering Seat Availability & Fee before start of Round 1.
COMEDK UGET 2024 : Centralised single window counseling for Engineering & Architecture courses Based on the mandate given by the Karnataka Un-aided Private Engineering