000664 - B6 Strain Details - The Jackson Laboratory
C57BL/6J mice are resistant to audiogenic seizures, have a relatively low bone density, and develop age related hearing loss. They are also susceptible to diet-induced obesity, type 2 diabetes, and atherosclerosis.
Profile: C57BL/6J - The Jackson Laboratory
For over a century, the Jackson Laboratory has raised and distributed countless C57BL/6J mice. But has anyone wondered why this particular mouse, first bred in 1921 by Jackson Laboratory founder C.C. Little, has been so popular or acquired its name?
MGI - Inbred Strains: C57BL - The Jackson Laboratory
Rebuffe-Scrive M., Surwit R., Feinglos M., Kuhn C., and Rodin J. (1993) Regional fat distribution and metabolism in a new mouse model (C57BL/6J) of non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. Metabolism: Clinical and Experimental 42, 1405-1409.
A tool for telling apart C57BL/6J versus C57BL/6N substrains
Apr 3, 2013 · If you need to know whether your mouse has a C57BL/6J (B6J, 000664), C57BL/6N (B6N, 005304), or mixed B6J;B6N background, The Jackson Laboratory’s (JAX’s) new C57BL/6 Substrain Characterization Panel may be just the tool you need.
C57BL/6J Strain Detail MGI Mouse MGI:3028467 - The Jackson …
Dec 10, 2024 · View mouse strain C57BL/6J : mutations, QTL, phenotypes, diseases, and references.
Aged C57BL/6J Mice - The Jackson Laboratory
C57BL/6J is the most widely used inbred mouse strain and the first to have its genome sequenced. C57BL/6J mice are resistant to audiogenic seizures, have a relatively low bone density, and develop age related hearing loss.
There is no such thing as a C57BL/6 mouse! - The Jackson …
Jun 22, 2016 · C57BL/6J is the parental substrain; “J” is the laboratory code for The Jackson Laboratory. Therefore, there is no source of “C57BL/6” mice; there is always a longer designation for each substrain indicating the institute or laboratory that maintains the different colonies.
Lessons from Sequencing Eve C57BL/6J - The Jackson Laboratory
Jul 29, 2019 · JAX researchers recently provided an update to the mouse reference genome that more accurately represents the genome of today’s C57BL/6J mice, using long read, short read, and optical mapping technologies to generate ade novo assembly of the C57BL/6J Eve genome. They have identified structural variations, closed gaps in the mouse reference ...
005304 - B6N Strain Details - The Jackson Laboratory
005304 C57BL/6NJ This is an NIH subline of C57BL/6. It was separated from C57BL/6J in 1951. Five SNP differences have been identified that distinguish C57BL/6J from C57BL/6ByJ and C57BL/6NJ.
Protocol 26539 - Nnt<C57BL/6J> - The Jackson Laboratory
Protocol 26539: Standard PCR Assay - Nnt<C57BL/6J> Version 2. 2. Notes. The genotyping protocol(s) presented here have been optimized for reagents and conditions used by The Jackson Laboratory (JAX). To genotype animals, JAX recommends researchers validate the assay independently upon receipt of animals into their facility. ...