How about a Byrnes table saw? - The International Association of …
Apr 20, 2020 · I have a Byrnes table saw and I like it very much. . Quality is very good, IMO. . Blade size is about 5 or 5.5 inch. . Kerf is about 0.060". Cuts are very close to square. . I have used it for some elementary segmenting and have been very pleased with results. . The cutting guide is very sturdy and tightens down at both ends; easy to loosen and ...
Full Review - New sled for Byrnes table saw | The International ...
Jul 17, 2013 · Byrnes Model Machines - Table Saw . Reactions: Dalecamino. M. MillerTurnings Member. Joined Jan 10, 2013 ...
Byrnes Tablesaw - The International Association of Penturners
Jul 11, 2012 · I just got my Byrnes table saw about a month ago and am glad I got the extension miter gage and the extended rip fence. Those for sure are nice to be able to cut 3/4 inch pen blanks on the saw. It has been great to rip length wise and have the support. It cuts great and have little problems.
Proxxon or Byrne's machines? Help me choose!
Oct 8, 2021 · The Byrnes Table Saw did very precise cuts without splattering the segment. Not trying to hijack your thread with photos, but a few pickies are helpful. The last two photos are of me cutting segmented slices, and using a shop-vac suction to draw it to the side after it is cut vs it getting sucked and destroyed in the blade.
Byrnes Tablesaw - The International Association of Penturners
May 14, 2010 · The accuracy is amazing and while it only uses 4 1/2 inch blades, it's not a toy saw. It cuts through 3/4 inch hardwood or Truestone with no problems at all. This is an outstanding tool for small items that need precise accuracy.
how do you use your byrnes table saw? | The International …
Jul 17, 2013 · I bought my Byrnes table saw a number of years ago, and it's mostly been sitting aside since I haven't done any pens for a number of years. I've bought a cabinet saw with sliding table since then. I've started making boxes now and use my big saw most of the time.
Mini Table Saw | The International Association of Penturners
Feb 9, 2018 · A Byrnes table saw is for accurate cuts on smaller pieces of wood and works great. I say if you are planning on doing pen blanks and segmentation then this will be worth the time and money. Sent from my iPhone using Penturners.org mobile app
What Mini / small table saw are you using ? | The International ...
Dec 2, 2018 · I have the Byrnes table saw. As many people have said it is worth every penny. It is accurate and works great for pen blanks as other cuts. I also have a full size table saw. I will use my Byrnes saw over the full size for anything that will fit on it. Very powerful and great. If you have to sacrifice for it you will be glad you did for this saw.
Best Segmenting Saw? - The International Association of Penturners
Jul 25, 2019 · Then the Byrnes will handle the job you asked about. But it will not handle much more. If you start segmenting bowl blanks and other large blanks, a regular table saw would be my choice. For some the noise factor has always been a problem with table saws, but a good belt drive table saw will more useful if you get into larger woodworking projects.
SOLD - FS: Byrnes 4" table saw | The International Association of ...
Mar 5, 2018 · I am selling a slightly used Byrnes saw. I used it 2x and found segmenting is just not my thing. It has been literally collecting dust in my shop since 2020 when I purchased it. I also have the 36 tooth .055 kerf carbide blade installed. The original blade is included as well. The saw is currently selling for $475.00. I am selling for $300 plus ...