Bur - Wikipedia
A bur (also spelled burr) [1] is a seed or dry fruit or infructescence that has hooks or teeth. The main function of the bur is to spread the seeds of the bur plant, often through epizoochory. The hooks of the bur are used to latch onto fur or fabric, enabling the bur – which contain seeds – to be transported to another location for ...
11 Plants With Burrs That You Need to Know About
Aug 14, 2024 · Bur-reeds are aquatic plants of the genus Sparganium. In North America, 9 species of Bur-reeds colonize ponds, marshes, and streams. Their leaves grow partially underwater and provide shelter for many aquatic species. The Giant Bur-reed (S. Eurycarpum) can be 9 feet high and produces summer flowers which then turn into hard brown burrs.
Dealing With Nature’s Hitchhikers: 9 Most Common Weeds With …
Jan 2, 2025 · Burr weeds can be easily recognized by their distinctive burrs, which vary in size, shape, color, and quantity depending on the specific plant species. These burrs come in a variety of forms, including round, oval, flat, and cylindrical shapes.
7 Types Of Burrs And How To Remove Them From Your Lawn
Sep 21, 2023 · Burr medic, field sandbar, puncturevine, and yellow burr weed are a few of the most common types of burrs. These invasive plants grow best in poor soils but can be controlled with herbicides and by mowing regularly.
7 Types Of Burr Weeds - GardeningVibe
May 7, 2024 · Burr weeds are among the most annoying weeds to find in your yard. Often, you notice the burrs sticking to your clothes while working in your garden. Or even worse, you step on the sharp spiny balls while walking on your grass without your shoes on.
Galium aparine - Wikipedia
Galium aparine, with common names including cleavers, clivers, catchweed, robin-run-the-hedge, goosegrass, and sticky willy, is an annual, herbaceous plant of the family Rubiaceae.
Plants With Burrs - Garden Guides
Jul 21, 2017 · Burrs are such successful adaptations for survival that many plant species with burrs have now become invasive. Annual sandbur plants (Cenchrus spp.) thrive in warm, sandy soils across much of the United States. These grow up to 20 inches in height and feature leaf blades with downy surfaces and smooth undersides.
Sticker Burr Plants: Identification And Common Names
Nov 9, 2024 · Sticker burrs, also known as grassburs or sandspurs, are a type of bur-producing plant. They are an annual and/or perennial grass with seed pods that can latch onto passersby. The seeds of the sticker burr plant are spiny and sharp, and they mature in the summer.
Arctium - Wikipedia
Arctium is a genus of biennial plants commonly known as burdock, family Asteraceae. [3] Native to Europe and Asia, several species have been widely introduced worldwide. [4] Burdock's clinging properties, in addition to providing an excellent mechanism for seed dispersal, led to the invention of the hook and loop fastener.
Plants With Burrs - Weekand
Apr 27, 2012 · Burr-bearing plants occur around the world. There are numerous types of burrs. The chosen hitchhiking method will depend on available wildlife, from sea birds for island-dwelling plants to hikers and livestock in more populated areas.