Burning (2018) Analysis - Why I Feel Most Discussions Miss the Point
Aug 2, 2022 · Burning is one of my favourite films. I watched it again the other day and have become obsessed with the film again, trying to find meaning in a movie that seems to evade meaning itself. After watching it, I looked online for reviews and discussions to see other people's interpretations and found most of them very lacking.
Help me understand Burning (Korean movie) [MAJOR SPOILER]
Jan 2, 2019 · Back to Burning, the movie seems to get tons of positive reviews among critics so I took a shot today. The first half was slow and typical love triangle movie. The second half seems like an OK crime film. What keeps me stay till the end are conflicts and unanswered questions: the actual origin & disappearance of Hae Min, Did Ben really killed her?
Burning (2018) My Theory/Analysis : r/TrueFilm - Reddit
Jun 16, 2019 · Burning quickly became one of my favorite films just because of how quaint the pacing and story are but how thematically deep and rich the film still manages to be. I remember making one point in a review of mine on how Jong-Su's position as a writer makes him see the world much more romantically and idyllically than most other people.
Burning (2018): is the film too long? : r/TrueFilm - Reddit
Aug 23, 2020 · Park Chan-wook's Handmaiden was one, and Lee Chang-dong's Burning was another. Burning features Yoo Ah-in as Lee Jong-su, a graduate of creative writing whose favorite author is William Faulkner. He works as a deliveryman, and happens to meet a childhood friend of his working as a promoter in one store.
rewatched lee chang-dong’s Burning (2018) last night. what
Oct 16, 2022 · Couldn't be more different. Murakami's work is varies greatly from story to story, especially between his short stories and novels (like Burning/DMC and 1Q84). Burning and Drive My Car are different in a genre sense (atmospheric thriller vs drama), but definitely have a similar mysterious, melancholy vibe. Definitely check it out.
Burning (2018) - A Masterpiece : r/TrueFilm - Reddit
Jan 4, 2019 · Burning (2018). A film about the anatomy of a murder. Take the anxiety of youth ascending into adulthood, the frustration of unemployment, the emptiness of a broken home, a father with a history of anger/violence, a pi
Is Burning (2018) really that ambiguous? : r/TrueFilm - Reddit
Jun 13, 2022 · Burning is another exploration of this idea, but with much more of a psychological bent, showing that subjective experience is all there really is, and that the sets of "objective facts" we like to believe are objective are actually distorted by our class, gender, environmental, and other deterministic biases.
Ending of "Burning" (2018) - Question : r/movies - Reddit
Nov 16, 2019 · Later, Ben tells Jong-Su that the first time he ever felt jealousy was when Hae-Mi told him that she felt that Jong-Su was "someone special." Ben asks Jong-Su who his favorite author is (Faulkner) to study Jong-Su's character (possibly seeing him as a future victim). Ben came up with the burning greenhouses from Faulkner's story about barn burning.
Help me dissect Burning (2018)? [HEAVY SPOILERS] - Reddit
Jul 6, 2018 · The idea of "burning" was featured in various ways throughout the film - the sun, Jongsu's and his father's rage, and also the burning desire/passion between Jongsu and Haemi. I really enjoyed the class analysis in this thread, and will definitely watch the film a second time when it comes out on DVD!
What is Burning (2018) all about? : r/movies - Reddit
Movies Like Burning (2018) Top Posts Reddit . reReddit: Top posts of June 30, 2019. Reddit .