Quercus macrocarpa - Wikipedia
Quercus macrocarpa, the bur oak or burr oak, is a species of oak tree native to eastern North America. It is in the white oak section, Quercus sect. Quercus, and is also called mossycup …
Bur Oak - US Forest Service Research and Development
Bur oak (Quercus macrocarpa), also known as blue oak, mossy-overcup oak, mossy-overcup oak, and scrub oak, has the largest acorns of all native oaks and is very drought resistant. It grows …
How to Grow and Care for Bur Oak - The Spruce
Sep 11, 2023 · Bur oak is a slow-growing, long-lived native oak tree that reaches 90 feet tall and wide. It is identified by its dull green 8-inch oblong leaves with 7 to 11 lobes, hairy yellow …
Everything You Want to Know About Bur Oak Trees (and Acorns)
Bur oak trees are native to North America and can be found in the eastern and central United States, as well as parts of Canada. They prefer deep, rich soils and full sun but can also grow …
Bur oak | The Morton Arboretum
The stately bur oak, native to the Midwest, is a great choice as a shade tree and for specimen plantings in parks, spacious yards, and other large areas. Its massive trunk has gray to brown …
Bur Oak Information - Tips On Planting A Bur Oak Tree In The …
Jan 19, 2023 · Mighty and majestic, the bur oak (Quercus macrocarpa) is a survivor. Its massive trunk and rough bark help it exist in a very broad natural range in a variety of habitats – from …
Bur oak is a large long-lived shade tree that is native to Minnesota. it has a stout trunk and a broad, rounded open crown of stout and crooked branches. The leaves are obovate in shape, …
Quercus macrocarpa - Plant Finder - Missouri Botanical Garden
Quercus macrocarpa, commonly called bur oak or mossycup oak, is one of the most majestic of the native North American oaks. It is a medium to large sized deciduous oak of the white oak …
Bur oak | Tree, Leaf, Bark, & Facts | Britannica
bur oak, (Quercus macrocarpa), North American timber tree belonging to the white oak group, distributed primarily throughout the central United States. It has become a popular ornamental …
Quercus macrocarpa - North Carolina Extension Gardener Plant …
Bur oak is a large drought resistant, long-lived and reasonably fast-grower for an oak. Its acorns have a bur or mossy appearance hence the common name. Tolerates lime soils better than …